It all has come to this one Omniversal Truth: We are the last of the humans on Earth. And no, this isn’t a future-channeling. This is now.

We are the descendants of ancient ancestors who walked the Earth. In their time, there were many other human species on the planet all at the same time. And many more before them.

And now, they are guides to the human spirit because they are no longer in the physical form. It is only us — one human race.

We are the last surviving species of the humans.

Which means that this is our chance to make existence fucking great.

Live life like it’s your last! Because THAT is the imprint we have the power and choice to send out to the universe. Choose love using your words and aligned actions. That creates energy waves that ripple throughout the entire universe!

Do what you love… For all we know, we may be the last surviving humans in the universe, after all else evolved to leave the physical world behind. Think about that when you ask why we’ve not seen aliens directly. Can we see ancestors directly?

Live life like it’s only us…

This is our chance to own our own existence.
