The mind that perceives judgment of ‘good and evil’ may be blind to the true nature of love. Love doesn’t exist on the scale of good and bad. Love doesn’t participate in battles between angels and demons. There is no competition between good and evil. And no competing over any other force…
Love just is.
Because the universe consists of forces we perceive as polar opposites. The deeper you go into theoretical physics, the more you find that all of the universe’s forces are expressions of one underlying energy. One energy expressed in every force. Every kind of attraction.
The nature of polar opposites is therefore part of the illusion of reality. It serves a positive purpose for us to be able to construct our universe from our perceptions. That doesn’t mean it’s real — it’s just in your head…
The real you follows the same principle. You’re not just the emotions and feelings on the surface. The real you is much deeper.
The real you is love.
Because science.