The physical brain is filled with neurons that transmit energy in pulses throughout the entire network. The quantum brain is what codes those pulses of energy into memories by associating representations of what you see, hear, and feel and emotions that were experienced at the time the information was coded.

Science says that something nonphysical like a soul can’t exist, right? If we follow the same logic, we could say that our memories don’t exist. They’re just nonphysical energy — raw information. From a time that no longer exists. Only the present exists. So how can these remnants of the past even be real?

They’re not real.

The information encoded changes. The emotions you experience change. Your senses change. The memories were only meant for you to change something in the now. Not for you to beat yourself up over the way you think something happened in the past. It didn’t even happen that way.

If you wanna know what really happened, go down the rabbit hole of emotions to unravel the hidden information encoded in the quantum brain.

The physical is but one aspect of you. If that’s what you choose to perceive, that’s what you will perceive. That’s why people become entrapped by their own memories.

Embracing the nonphysical self is what frees you of your own bondage.

Because those are just your beliefs… And also nonphysical information coded in the quantum brain.
