Daily Download

When you see yourself in the mirror, and the mirror shakes, do you?

Or is it just your reflection?

What if you look at life through this lens? Like looking at yourself in the mirror, maybe your world is getting shaken up, but as long as you’re the observer you remain unshakable.

👁️You do not own the reflection.

👁️You own your response to what you see in the reflection.

Because even the photons reflected back from the mirror aren’t the same. The way they taught us how mirrors work was wrong. Photons don’t bounce, they absorb. Your energy goes into the mirror, and it sends back its energy. Because science.

What you see goes through the same process. Your retinas absorb incoming photons. Your eyes don’t form a picture. Again, we were taught wrong. They absorb the photons and read their energy on a quantum level. That information is filtered through your subconscious mind’s hidden code to reveal to you the world you see based on your programming.

And because you absorb energy, what you perceive becomes your programming.

That explains why your circle is so influential for you.

Because everything (yes, everything) is reflecting something back to you.

And just how you choose to see that–is completely up to you.
