Growing up as a human, you’ve probably been conditioned with the concept of ‘mutually assured destruction,’ when the superpowers of the world threaten to destroy each other as a means to find peace.
But what if there’s a better way to create peace?
Nobody talks about mutually assured creation. Does this one fact, that each of us creates our own reality through our own brains’ filters combining to co-create any reality we choose together, threaten the powers that be even more? Apparently so…
The truth is you do have that power.
They don’t want you to know. Because they are co-creating our reality with their power to control you. Governments want to control you. Religions want to. Corporations do too. Your friends and family even do, because most people succumb to this social conditioning, thinking it’s reality that these “powers” are in fact, in power, and thereby create this reality for themselves and those in their circle.
That’s not how it has to be, and it’s just not how it is.
You have the power, right here and now, to create the reality you see, hear, and feel through your subconscious simply by filtering the information you want to perceive using your beliefs as a template. So do you believe in mutually assured destruction? Do you believe you are being controlled? Programmed?
Or do you believe you are a true creator?
It’s your choice.