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The universes aren’t exactly the way we’re taught…

Our observable universe is just a projection.

Just like how the subconscious mind projects itself to view the world around it from its own frame of reference (until one realizes one’s power to create).

The universe is a projection from the event horizon of a singularity, and ‘dark energy’ is just a lensing effect.

The way objects with greater distance to us accelerate away from us is a lens showing us a new view that just hasn’t been seen yet. Until now.

Sounds crazy but it can be tested using tools we have now. If we measure where galaxies are and how fast they’re moving in 4D, we can project them onto a surface. Then we know how to describe the curvature of the event horizon we’re projected from.

And then we have all new ways with which to perceive our universe — and create new worlds.
