A good friend once described to me what was in her mind was complete chaos. Timelines branching in every direction…

She was perceiving 5D for the first time. When you see beyond linear time, you can see that another dimension of time simply branches off of the main timeline you perceive.

Even with multiple dimensions of time in every direction, the resulting form is basically a fractal — with repeating patterns. Imagine the path of Earth through space-time. The Earth rotates around the sun, and the solar system moves in and around in an arm of the Milky Way, which is moving toward the Great Attractor. A fractal spiral. And anywhere on that path, infinite possibilities are present.

In 5D, Earth actually looks like the surface of green cauliflower.

And just like the cauliflower, even if its surface appears chaotic, there is one underlying order to it all: its growth. Growth is its clear path through the multidimensional madness.

That’s what karma is in your world of higher dimensions. Growth.

Our physical world is just a shadow of these higher dimensions. This, like the surface of fractal cauliflower, is just the surface world. That makes us the shadow beings. Perfect for doing shadow work right here and now.

Because the gift is the present.

Out of all of those possibilities of time, we’re here right now. One point where all possibilities converge. Think about that next time you think something’s out of reach.
