Seems sometimes like there’s a conspiracy for just about everything these days. So much so that people try to explain why people subscribe to them.
Here’s a little secret prime directive of the subconscious mind: everything (yes, everything) has a highest intent.
Those who think differently may seek acceptance from like-minded individuals. Those who shame them may also be seeking acceptance among their peers. What then is the highest intent? What does acceptance give? Comfort? Assurance? Community? Love?
What if we could have all of that?
You can have it all!
Because we’re all together in this conspiracy to love…
Everything in the universes that makes conditions perfect for life are based on fundamental forces of nature simply known as attraction.
And yes, when you feel attraction to someone, humans call this emotion love.
It’s what everybody wants. So maybe, just maybe, seeing someone as love might just help you through the day. Doesn’t it feel better than opposition?
Because truth be told, love has no opposite. Even duality can be a limiting perception.
And love will get you through this.