When you look out into the universe, it’s not just stars you see. There’s entire galaxies, clusters, and even invisible dark matter.
It’s all connected.
One cosmic web.
And depending on how you look at it, there can be either order or disorder.
The map of the cosmic web shows that on smaller scales it’s more chaotic, yet on the grand scale, it’s actually pretty easy to see the order of all that is. Inside there’s turmoil where outside there’s peace. Sounds like life sometimes…
Here’s the secret.
Whenever life feels chaotic, that’s an invitation to simply change your perspective. Look at the big picture. See yourself in this moment, and instead of trying to figure out every step along the way, see it already accomplished. Even if goals seem big, you can focus on purpose by changing perspective.
In other words, let the universe show you the way.
Surrender into this beautiful flow. The universe makes it simple for you.
And notice how easily you can remember, it’s as simple as shifting your perspective.
Change your perspective, change your universe.