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Most people have science backwards. They think there’s a scientific explanation for just about everything.

But good science explains nothing at all.

Because once you strip away the “answers,” you find that what is known is what has been filtered through one’s perception, and the meaning only comes from within.

Then you get to the core — the essence of science. And that’s knowing that there’s more to know… Knowing that I don’t know.

That’s why science is a method of questioning.

Because question everything.

Without philosophy, science is nothing. Without spirituality, there’s nothing to guide us. Oh, but how we love to credit discoveries as accidental.

Life is a beautiful dance between the unexplainable and downloads from a ‘cloud’ of consciousness. That’s why every great scientist credited something greater than themselves.

That’s what I love most about science. I’ve witnessed so much beyond explanation. You’d call me crazy if I told you everything. And that’s ok.

So every day, I ask.

Not for answers.

I ask, how can I be of service even more?

What can I do to help people?

To be more harmonious with the ever- present nature of the forces, known and unknown, of the universe, her parallels, and the continuum beyond the imaginable?

There’s simply too much information out there to go about sciencing with a closed mind…
