The most interesting thing about duality is that it actually isn’t duality. Think of the “dualistic” nature of a particle… Energy is perceived as both particle and wave forms. But energy is just energy. One thing. It’s the human perception that creates the dualistic phases.

The human mind likes to categorize.

Think about the word “multiverse.”

Is it really a lot of universes? Like multiple bubbles in a pot of water? Different outcomes and different versions of you?

It changes when you view things as multiple possibilities of one.

One energy yields infinite ways with which to express itself. From waves and particles to multiple versions of the universe. And you.

Here’s the thing.

The PURPOSE of these possibilities is to show you something special…

The purpose is not only to align you with the most likely outcome of the statistical matrix of possibilities but to align every possibility with the version of you present now.

It’s all happening for you.
