Ever wish life has a cheat code like in a video game?
It does. That’s in simply knowing that the outer world is projected from within. All of your perceptions of every external stimuli are inside your retinas, eardrums, and even under your skin.
Go deeper. Now your behaviors, beliefs, and values are all running in your subconscious mind.
Go even deeper and there’s a machine language that sets the foundation for these programs to run… all within you. Down to the microscopic level. Even the laws of physics!
This language is similar to how we break down our human understanding of the universe. As above, so below. And also why people think we’re living in a simulation.
But that’s not the whole picture…
There are many simulation similarities, yes, except for the most important part.
That’s you.
Simulation theories are simply a way of externalizing one’s own power by assigning the role of programmer or creator to someone else.
When in fact, that’s you.
That’s because with every perception being internal, every program, and basically how each and every individual creates their own world custom tailored to their experiences and beliefs, that puts you in the drivers seat.
You have control over your programming.
You can’t control what happens around you. But you can change your response to things.
That’s your power.
That’s your cheat code.