Universal Irony Division: People unite to stand against what they oppose, attracting more of it. Right now everyone’s hating on groups that hate. They’re angry with anger. They blindly spout catch phrases inciting others to be outraged, or they’re just not paying attention. They use politics to express hatred, fear, and anger towards those who oppose. And maybe someday we’ll impeach corrupt politicians using the same corrupt system that enabled them in the first place. Yea, right.
People push away from what they don’t want rather than attracting something better. People blame others for problems that are their personal responsibility. People become hate groups in the face of hate groups, feeding into their energy and actually empowering them. And people don’t realize this stuff has been going on for decades, only now it’s more newsworthy because we all hate our president or those against him. Well no president has ever in my lifetime improved my life. Probably not yours either. Nobody created these hate groups overnight. They’ve been here. Blaming someone else because you hate them for hating another will get you nowhere. Except maybe a downward spiral. But it’s not too late. You can stand for what you stand for rather than being against. It’s a completely different feeling. You can treat people with kindness and compassion even if they don’t. You can be conscious of your thoughts, words, and actions in full alignment with your highest and best good! And you can be grateful to everyone who teaches you unconditional love. Do that.
Thank you.