Blunt Force Truth: In a society that conditions its people with hatred of other cultures, justice for crimes committed by others, and justification for war, it is inevitable that the people will turn on themselves with hatred of one another, revenge, and righteousness. When a government, religion, or any kind of organization turns people against others, it is creating the culture of hatred, and that becomes reflected in people’s daily lives. ‘Every man for himself’ survival mentality takes over. Resource hoarding becomes accepted practice. People eventually see the elite as role models even though the people are the ones being taken advantage of. And they turn their hatred towards whomever they’re told to. But hatred simply cannot win. It’s a losing battle when a people hate themselves. They just become controllable and docile. Until they wake up. Within every soul is a light powerful enough to illuminate the whole. Love is the binding force of the entire universe and becoming aligned with love is how we evolve and free ourselves of thousands of years of social conditioning. Do that.