Daily Download

In this human experience, we sometimes have the tendency to see things as good or bad. We sometimes as our judgment to color our perceptions. And there’s so much more to the picture! It’s just a simple shift of perceptual position. Any shadow–anything you might perceive as a negative–is cast by something that blocks light, yes? A shadow is merely a place where the light has been blocked. And when you look being there shadow, you can see that a block is there to create it. You can look beyond the block. Imagine seeing it from the other side. It’s illuminated! The entire purpose of the shadow self is to illuminate where you have blocks. It’s all about seeing it from different angles. Because THAT’S how you transcend the blocks, allowing pure, unimpeded flow of light upon all of you–every bit of your presence. And it’s good to know that, isn’t it?
