Daily Download

It’s not about conquering demons. It never was. It’s not about fighting evil. It’s about raising your vibration so you’re not as affected by it. Darkness is present because of our deep-rooted beliefs in duality, the basis of the tree of knowledge. Shit’s gonna happen, but how you react is in your power. That’s why shadow work is so important! Find the things that rise within, exploring what used to take you out of your power. Just be with it. Love it. What does it want you to learn? Question the highest intent, then you can move past the negativity by getting the highest intent in new empowering ways. There is no fight. There’s nothing to conquer. Those modalities only exist in duality, and your reality dear ones, is very different. You came here to forgive. Just let that sink in… Because judgment day was never about being judged. It is about forgiving. And most importantly, forgiving yourself for ever harboring any judgments in the first place! That’s how you let go.
