If desire is the root of all suffering, what does this knowledge bring us? I have seen those on the path of purification who eliminate desire to end suffering. Well then dear ones, how would you get your lessons from it? And just what does this actually do? Pushing away from suffering still attracts it. You’ll never get away from it! We have some preconceived notion that spirit is free of suffering and it is only in this realm, so we try to be more spiritual. Ask your spirit what s/he wants, and I’m sure you’ll find that the answer is simply to live! And desire is part of living–one of the best parts! Who cares if desires aren’t always fulfilled and you are hurt for just a little while? We fall and we fail again and again to strengthen our resolve. To get back up again. To live and love! And to embrace your vulnerability. You don’t get stronger by avoiding something unwanted. You do so by looking suffering straight in the fucking face and even with everything you’ve been through, getting back up and proclaiming that you are embracing your desires wholeheartedly and living your life to the fullest! To hell with the consequences! THAT is why we have desire. So live it and love it!