Daily Download

You are a window with which the universe can view life. Your eyes are the portals to infinite possibilities of light and love. Unlimited opportunities are available to you right now. And that is why we observe. As the universe looks through your eyes, it does so with love, giving this life everything you need. You can do the same, looking through your own eyes with your higher aspects of consciousness. Let your angels see life through your eyes. Let yourself from parallel realities see what possibilities are available right now. Let your parallel lives, past, present, and future, look through this window of your soul. Sometimes when the situation calls for it, we step in to guide you through an experience. Imagine a wiser version of yourself looking through your eyes, guiding you through exactly what you’re navigating right now with perfect precision. Imagine angels stepping in to weild unlimited power available to you at any moment you call on them. Envision the light of the universe granting you the ultimate knowledge to help you with whatever it is that you’re going through in this moment. That is why we are here. The universe is for you. Everything is happening on purpose. And yes, dear ones, you are loved beyond measure.
