History is in the making right now. We’re making peace with a country we’ve been at war with since 1953, and in doing so, creating better relations with other nations we’ve been hostile with recently. And people are complaining? My opinions of the leaders aside, I’m actually proud of what’s happening now. Opinions mean nothing. Actions mean everything. The past has passed. Our world is being guided outside of its comfort zone, and that’s exactly where we need to be. As far as making “enemies” of our allies–are they really allies if they don’t support our peace? America’s been in the business of killing. What if we make a business of peace? Think of the savings, not only in terms of money, but humans. Isn’t that what’s important? I think we could all use some more inner peace, whether we’re of the Democratic faith, Republican faith, or other. We’re all human. We’re all breathing the same air, drinking the same water, and living on the same Earth orbiting the same Sun. Yet we each have our own uniqueness that adds value to all of the human race. Each and every brand new moment, we each have an opportunity to fall for the negativity or see through the veil of illusion. So consider this–nobody is born hating. It’s learned. It’s social conditioning. And it can be overcome with love.