“You’ll end up really disappointed if you think people will do for you as you do for them. Not everyone has the same heart as you.” NO! Do things for people. Fuck what negative shit like this says, and stop blindly sharing negative social conditioning bullshit! Blunt Force Truth: The ONLY way you can be disappointed by helping others is if you have EXPECTATIONS of them doing something for you in return. So if it doesn’t happen, it’s not on them. It’s on you!
When you drop expectations, you’re doing things from your heart. And once you tap into your heart in such a powerful way, you’ll see that we’re all connected. The cells of every heart and the water in our blood come from the same Earth. The atoms all come from the same cosmic stardust. Even the iron in your blood comes from billions of years of generations of stars spreading elements throughout the cosmos. And the magnetic field your heart generates connects you to everyone else’s field! We’re all connected. You do have the same heart! Stop expecting people to express theirs in the way you think it should be done (don’t should on yourself). Give people love, and give them freedom instead. Thank you, it is done. It is done. It is done.