Universal Irony Division: Darkness can’t exist without light. Wait, isn’t it supposed to be the other way around? Well then, how would you ever know that something is dark if not for the light to provide contrast? Light isn’t to illuminate darkness–it’s simply to recognize it. Because even with all of the stars and galaxies illuminating the universe, there’s still darkness in-between. That gives you different perceptual positions with which to explore the universe. And anything that’s going on in your mind. Dark thoughts? How would you know they were dark if you didn’t have contrast? Now you start seeing beyond duality. They’re thoughts. Just that. Darkness and light are as one. In fact, darkness can’t even be defined without light. Because it’s the absence of light. When you look deeper, you see that it’s the contrast that provides even more insight and new ways of seeing people, places, and events in your life. Now it’s good to know that, isn’t it?