Universal Irony Division: Sex is a struggle for power for those that are unaware. People unknowingly project their subconscious programming. Their pain. Their trauma. Their insecurities. And sometimes battle for domination. That’s not what sex is about. It’s not a race to the finish. It’s about intimacy–being able to embrace all of the body’s desires. It’s about safety and protection–creating space to freely express one’s desires and fantasies. It’s about connectedness. In a space where we are free to express our desires, knowing we feel safe to do so, we become one with our bodies and energies. We let go of our individual identities, becoming someone so much more greater than just ourselves. We merge our souls. So now, sex is about intimacy, freedom, and oneness. The difference is awareness. When you begin to heal yourself, you’ll attract others in your path in the same vibration. The struggle is replaced by freedom and liberation. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
