Omniversal Law: You create from where you’re at in life. You might be on the beginning of your path, creating higher learnings through hardships. Or you might be further along, creating more and more hardships to get those lessons lol. Ideally, we’d all like to create from a place where we’ve removed all blocks and limiting beliefs, so we manifest with ease and grace. That’s why it’s important to recognize where you have blocks. To recognize where you have resistance and payoffs that keep you holding onto your resistance. And to focus on what’s wanted rather than what’s unwanted. Because the subconscious mind doesn’t judge good from bad. Wanted or not, its job is to find whatever you’re focused on. And it’s gonna do its best with whatever resources you have at the time. Blocks and limiting beliefs will filter what you attract. And as you become hollow and empty, it’s like being a clear lens with which to attract even more of the good stuff. Just breathe, it’s ok to not be ok, because you gotta get through what you’re gonna get through anyway. Clearness is a natural action of you working on yourself, letting go of resistance, and finding those blocks and limiting beliefs to clear the path ahead. Do that. With ease and grace. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
