You were right. But just maybe, not for the reasons you thought you were. You were right because everything in your decision was based on your underlying beliefs. Your beliefs are the programming code in the subconscious that tell your mind what it is you want to see. So whatever it is you believe determines what you see. It goes beyond your decisions. If you characterize people and their behavior a specific way, your subconscious sets forth to make sure that’s all you see. If you judge or condemn others for their actions, your subconscious brings you even more of that, because that’s what you’re telling your mind you want to see. Think the world’s a harsh place? That’s what you’ll see. Need to stay focused on “reality” and not your own healing before moving forward with career, business, or relationships? Then you’ll limit reality to fit the narrow parameters you’ve set. In that way, you’re right. Reality is limited. Until you realize that you can reprogram your brain. That’s when you begin to wake up, level by level. You see the world in ways you’d never expect. You open up to new possibilities. And now, you transform those beliefs from a mold of infinite possibilities. You see people as they are. You see actions as the highest intent. You see the world evolving, even amidst what you previously thought to be chaos. You see new values coming together, attracting you to community that’s also opened up. So you see, regardless of whether you choose to see this world as negative or positive, you are going to be right. That’s your self-fulfilling prophecy. You choose how you see this reality.
