Blunt Force Truth: Not believing in something doesn’t make it any less real. What it does do is prevent you from being able to see it though (so you think you’re right). That’s just how the subconscious mind works! It doesn’t negate things. It simply finds more of what’s in alignment with your current beliefs, belief system, and underlying core values in this moment. It’s basically a program you run. Your beliefs are the input that’s processed and your observations are the output you get directly from your beliefs. You program what you see. The quality of your observations are based on the quality of your beliefs. That’s just how reality works. It’s how you see objects as solid, even feeling the energy interactions as if they actually are solid. Those are deep-rooted beliefs in the very core of your programming. Try not to believe walls are solid. You’ll still walk into them. Energy interacts in infinite ways, and our physical reality is but a small subset of what’s possible. The only reason you’re not seeing more isn’t because it doesn’t exist–it’s because you keep telling yourself that. Your subconscious runs the program to limit your vision to match those limiting beliefs. Just let that sink in…
