With quantum engagement, two or more objects, regardless of distance in space, instantaneously affect each other. It’s instant connection. It’s faster than the speed of light. Information can even be transported across space faster than light.
It’s the speed of information.
Zero point time.
It gets even better…
Entanglement works across time. Because really, time is just another dimension.
So with your parallel selves, that can be past, present, or future alternate versions of you, everything is connected.
Right here, right now, to this present moment.
Every single brand new moment is connected to all those before and after, and every parallel.
That means that what happens in the now has the power to affect any other version of yourself.
So resolving past life issues are possible… Because science.
You simply clear the energy from this present moment.
When that karma is gone, it is lifted from every parallel version of you.
Every possibility of you.
Every dimension of you.
And that creates even more opportunity for you.
Now it’s good to know this, isn’t it?