With the ultimate power comes ______________. What comes to mind? Is it positive or negative? Is it fear-based or love-based?
Our social conditioning says one thing.
Truth says another.
And truth is, what you’ve been conditioned to believe what power is, is nothing but a power struggle. Everything we know is based on our open planet’s fight for life. Our own humanity’s internal struggle.
That’s not what power is.
Power is transcending duality. Every time two sides battle, it creates an illusion of separation from the whole.
Observing the illusion allows you to see all sides of the whole.
As one.
As it should be.
We create our own illusion of duality.
And we can choose to see the whole.
See it in yourself. You are whole and complete, are you not?
Separation and duality are nothing. You are the whole damn universe wrapped up in one beautiful ass package!
So love yourself for this. This is the reality you created for you transcending that shit.
Ultimate power brings ultimate compassion.
Seriously how can you not feel the love of all things when you stand fully in your power? You can only do so through love. All else leads you back to the illusion. Back to the struggle.
Love is power.
Compassion is loving exponentially. Compassion is loving the illusion for the challenges it presents, the learnings you gain, and the love that you give. Compassion is knowing everything is perfect as is, and how each path has created gateways to new universes of infinite possibilities–and you don’t have to do anything but witness.
That, dear ones, is power.
If you’d like a demonstration, use compassion to have power over your own emotions and reactions. Use compassion to see through the hurt that people cause, seeing them for when they were hurt. Compassion does that.
Thank you. It is done. It is fine. It is done.