Daily Download

Spirituality is rooted in love and compassion. Yet there are ways with which it can go off track. If any vibration you are receiving–any message–is fear-based, incites anger, or tries to manipulate people into joining a specific ideology or conspiracy, the message isn’t being conveyed right.

It’s ok. People get confused. We get emotional. We get information filtered by our own perceptions, beliefs, and values.

Know this: If you are seeing others spreading information about “dark energies,” they’re not yet getting it. If you are concerned about satanic bitches, you’re not there yet. If you put spirituality up on a pedestal and see your “truth” above others, you’re not there yet. If you’re talking about conspiracies and convincing people of this “truth,” you are close and on the right path. But almost there.

Because truth is subjective.

Your truth is filtered through your perceptions, beliefs, and values. So even though “true,” it’s not universally true. It’s just true to you.

If you want to see what’s universally true, all you have to do is focus the lens that you see the world through. Fear and anger are only coming from an out-of-focus view. The need for validation from others is only from an unfocused lens. The need to manipulate others is a sign telling you right now, focus!

A clear view of this reality simulation, one that changes your surroundings for good, comes through the lenses of love and compassion. When you can look at another and see through what’s really going on, seeing beyond the surface mind’s problems, complaints, and hurtful behaviors, you see their inner child going through the very programming that their subconscious is running. How can you not love that hurt little child?

So if you’re seeing the truth, you’re on the right path. Just know that your truth is yours to lead you in this direction of love and compassion.

Seeing through bullshit is just a symptom of something greater–and that’s responding rather than reacting. That’s creating rather than being affected by your surroundings.

When you step into your true creative power, you see exactly how love and compassion give you the clearest way with which to see through bullshit. Do that.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
