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While so much research about the Universe and data collected support the Big Bang Theory, not much has been observed about what happened before the Big Bang.  This is because we, as humans, can only focus on what can be observed, measured, and quantified within our Universe.  This proposal outlined in the Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse does not contradict the process of the Big Bang.  Rather, it expands upon the idea.

The purpose of this proposal is to introduce the theory that the Big Bang’s source particle was actually stable while it was present in one location.  The Big Bang singularity was projected from its source location far enough to escape the enormous amount of energy holding it stable.  Once clear of this high energy field, it is no longer stable; thus, the Big Bang happens.


See more of Grand Slam Theory of the Omniverse and buy at Balboa PressAmazon, and Barnes & Noble.

Everything we know about the universe is about to change

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