How to Create Luck in the Matrix

Ever hear yourself asking why things seem so easy for someone where you find yourself being challenged?

That challenge is your best friend.

And it has nothing to do with the other person!

They’re just here to reflect to you the things that will be your greatest accomplishments. Kinda changes things already, doesn’t it?

Here’s the first thing to know:

It’s not even about the challenge. That was there to show you where you have blocks, obstacles, or limiting beliefs/behaviors.

Those things aren’t real.

What is real is the underlying lesson.

That’s your soul speaking to you.

And when you listen, I mean really listen, you create avenues with which manifesting and attracting exactly what you desire become effortless. Yea, it’s not always about hard work, esp if you’re working against your higher calling. So listen carefully dear ones.

When you get through the cycling of surface mind thoughts, you hear the voice within. Follow this calling. You are being guided to be one of the ‘lucky’ ones, as you may call it.

Because this program, aka ‘simulation,’ aka universe, is designed BY you to either create a clear path to manifesting, or to place lessons along the way for you to learn and your soul to grow. Read that again.

Your challenges ONLY serve to open that door.

Imagine this: A universe of programming with zeroes and ones everywhere like in The Matrix. But you’re looking through glasses that give you higher dimensional awareness. You’re seeing them everywhere around you, not just up on a screen. Multiple dimensions of possibilities. With a clear channel within.

You see a clear path in the middle. This is where you effortlessly manifest everything you desire on purpose.

If you look around, you can see avenues where you could go ‘off track.’ There’s simply more zeroes and ones on these paths. That just means more information for you to filter through, translating in this 3D reality to challenges that help you grow. More possibilities and opportunities to learn along the way.

Your job is to see life through your higher dimensional awareness, clearly seeing the path you’re on.

Stay in the middle path when you want to manifest. Go in any other direction for lessons to grow.

Not so hard now, is it?

And no, you haven’t been doing it wrong. You haven’t been attracting the wrong energy. You haven’t been manifesting wrong. You’ve simply been manifesting exactly what was needed for you to get exactly where you are right now.

And that was to show you how fucking powerful you really are!

The programming of this universe is both for you and by you. You exist outside of the timeline you perceive in this program. You choose when to learn. You choose what to manifest.

Because you ARE what you attract.

Your vibration is the signal to the universe–the command line to the programming.

You tell the universe, based on your own vibe, whether or not you want to be in the flow. The program simply responds by doing exactly what you tell it to do. You want garbage in/garbage out (GIGO)? Or do you want to compile and run the program with the highest and best good?

It’s completely up to you.

Not anyone else. Not God or Jesus. You.

Your will creates avenues for the highest and best evolution of your soul.

And your gratitude sets it all in motion.

So don’t ever think you need to “unplug from the matrix.” You are exactly where you need to be, and the lessons you’ve experienced were perfect for you to see how far you’ve come. And to show you exactly how to create the path of least resistance…

The path that by which you simply getting on track, facilitates the transformation of every single challenge you’ve faced in the past up until now.

What is that path for you? Take a moment to think, where in the past, you might have had challenges and lessons, but in this new light of higher dimensional awareness, what’s different?


