Einstein showed that space-time was actually four dimensions (3 space and 1 time). And now another physical dimension has been discovered. Time is now the fifth dimension. Feel the shift?

Our collective perception is growing. Expanding. Just like space is. The universe is continually expanding, creating space for growth. And yes, space can be created (it is energy that cannot be created or destroyed). I create space around someone when helping them to heal.

Everything we learn about the universe can be applied in real-world ways to help one another for our continuing growth and expansion.

Expansion is really another dimension like time. They always move forward. And you know what else does? Karma. Your cosmic lesson plan. Your parallel lives keep you moving forward in your own expansion and growth. All those lessons you experience in this realm are like the pages of a story unfolding. Just like space unfolding, your life is created in this way. And when you step out into new perceptual positions, you can be the one reading the book. You are the one writing the book. Your life is by your design.

And everything on your timeline, in your expansion, and in your karmic lesson plan–everything–is available to you in the now.

There’s lot more to these dimensions than what you’ve been told.

It’s assumed that time moves forward. Einstein also showed that time is relative to the speed you’re traveling. And just recently, particle physicists dissecting the smallest known pieces of the universe discovered time moving backward.

Actually, both ways. Simultaneously.

Time isn’t linear in the universe–only your perception of time is linear. Until it isn’t. There’s more that’s shifting now, isn’t there?

It was once thought that time began at the beginning of the universe–the Big Bang. And we’ve used time as a measuring stick ever since then. But it wasn’t the true beginning. Just like the particle experiments, the universe moves forward and backward in time.

The universe starts at the Big Bang, but its ascension started in a different timeline all together. Like a lotus flower emerging from the mud, it must first overcome the soil to rise to the surface of the water. The universe, in its singularity state, went through a similar path to get to what we think is the beginning. It’s just the surface! And both timelines were necessary. Another study found that elementary particles weren’t completely self-contained, that an external force must be acting on it. This is the nature of dual timeline–the connection powers the whole.

I’m not saying this to support the Omniverse model. I’m bringing this up because it’s part of our evolution. It’s part of your evolution.

We’ve been led to believe that ascension is something we move toward in time. It is not. You don’t live here for your lifetime to die and go to Heaven. That’s not what ascension is. You bring Heaven to Earth! Because the truth is, you came from being ascended already.

This physical world we live in, even with all of its problems, is the pinnacle of the universe. That’s why the universe supports life. That’s why the universe is for you, never against you. You are already an ascended master, and you choose to come into the physical to take the lesson plan that you wrote for yourself. You are here on purpose!

And like the universe, coming from this hidden path of ascension to become what you are now, there’s a treasure chest full of breakthroughs in how we perceive ourselves. We’re not just moving forward in time, were simply perceiving it that way as we access all time, forward and backwards.

That means that all of your time is available to you at any time. All of your expansion. All of your karma. All available, all the time. Are you? You can be. You can access your ascended self to rise above your challenges in life. You can see in new empowering ways, lighting the path to an even greater understanding and an even greater love. Just be available.

As you continue to shift into new perceptual positions, your awareness of your life grows. Your awareness of your problems shrinks. Because all it takes to overcome them is seeing things a different way. And that’s exactly what expanding your viewpoint does!

As you grow into yourself, things around you are going to change. You might have some resistance tied to some sort of benefit, and that can be manifested in others around you. Just know this–what you are experiencing are your growing pains. Only until you recognize your growth, because then the universe opens up even more to you.

See through your ascended eyes. Love the universe for all of her glory. You designed her to be perfect for your path in the physical. And as you love the universe you’re in, you recognize this as self-love. Because you are connected with all that is. Everything is. It’s just the nature of the entangled universe. The universe is as much a part of you as you are a part of her.

Loving the universe is loving yourself. And loving yourself is how you become yourself.

There is no trick to expanding your consciousness–you are simply recognizing that which already is. Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.
