Portal to a New You Workshop

The universe has infinite possibilities that give you unlimited opportunities for your life.

For every version of you, there is a universe where that’s already a reality, just waiting for you to real-eyes.

Ask yourself, what is one area of life right now where you desire even more success, and having real-eyesed this, you’ll see every other aspect of life just fall into place?

This workshop gives you the opportunity to see yourself in this new universe, being completely successful at exactly what it is you desire, and go into that reality.

The universe is connected, just as you are. For every possibility, there is that reality. And we constantly travel through unseen portals into new realities based on choices and decisions we make all the time. So wouldn’t it make sense to be consciously aware of this process so you can literally program the universe for your highest and best good?

This workshop does just that.

The Portal Workshop will open new opportunities of life for you. This will be a live workshop beginning 6:30 pm pst on Feb 5, 2020. We will be live streaming via Zoom (details below) beginning at 7 pm sharp.

Thank you. It is done. It is done. It is done.


Facebook event page:


Zoom meeting details:
Time: Feb 5, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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