Don’t Call It Positivity

As I stare up at the night sky, seeing the orange haze behind distant rows of palms lit up from beneath and the mountains barely visible through the thick night air, I think that there must be something greater in store. I know something’s happening and I’m being tested. What I want to know is, …

Daily Download

The universe really does prefer life. Her secret lies in the natural imbalance. There’s more matter than antimatter. If they were the same, everything would cancel itself out. Because there’s more matter, particles and forces attract, creating the very building blocks of life. And then the universe evolved into you! =D

Let Go Part 3

Letting go creates the space for change. It initiates an energy flow for healing and manifesting. I thought I summed it all up in the last article telling us how to let go, but this evening it came back up again. Make part 3 my thought said. It is my angels our guides speaking through …

In Loving Servitude

In my last post, I asked the question, “is science cold and calculated, or does it inspire?” To dig deeper, I want to ask what it means to be a scientist. What is the core purpose of science itself? The answer will surprise you. It is simply to serve. To serve humanity. To improve the …