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A much Jung-er version of self found that a person’s behavior and actions resulted from projections of the inner psyche — the subconscious mind. As Jung said, “perception is projection.” The subconscious mind filters information to match your internal code. Turns out the universe is much the same. The universe is, in fact, a projection. …

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It doesn’t take long to learn fear, competition, or hate conditioning when you’re human. But that only comes after what’s stronger and faster. That’s your innate ability to love. On a deep subconscious level, the very laws of physics provide the framework for every piece of you to attract what makes you. Love is present …

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The physical universe might just be the fastest information superhighway. The cosmic web of ‘dark matter’ has now been directly observed, providing evidence for this mysterious substance. A cosmic web of invisible strings stretches across the universe between galaxies. Everything’s connected. Even if we can’t see it with our eyes. That’s because your subconscious mind …

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If you’re falling into a black hole, how would you even know? Because the faster you accelerate, the slower time goes… Two things happen to matter approaching the event horizon. As matter is pulled apart approaching the speed of light, the light that can bounce back would form an image. It would look like seeing …

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Because the way we perceive our universe is ultimately an illusion, that can only mean that magic is in fact real. It’s the >95% of the actual universe humans have yet to understand. And magic underlies what we do understand. It’s the attraction of all things. The evolution of chemical building blocks. It’s life. Yes, …

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Evolution is just a theory, right? A group of scientists recently broke through the theory barrier, discovering the law of nature. And that is, everything in this universe attracts what is perfect for its growth from the subatomic scale to stars, planets, and even life. It is the natural order of things to grow from …

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Are you heart-centered or head-centric? Some like to say the head is where your identity is. But is it? Wayne Dyer demonstrated this: He said “put your hand in front of you and point back to yourself.” Try it. Where’d you point? Truth of the matter is, it’s not scientific to say your brain is …

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Karma is basically like another dimension of time. Space-time can form spontaneously in the universe. In a way that builds upon itself creating structure and symmetry. Karma builds upon itself too. Is there a simple way to express what karma is in scientific terms though? Actually, yes. Life is a school. You have a syllabus. …

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Reality’s a funny thing… How can we define what’s real when atoms never even touch? When particles aren’t particles but fields of energy? Spinning and vibrating bits of information? How can you be sure it’s not a simulation when the universe and our brains operate like computer code? Here’s the key: Every tiny grain of …

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It’s pretty amazing how we are the afterlife of stars… How it took generations of stars living and dying to fuse together all our elements. The iron in your blood was spread throughout the early universe, and that’s in you. Water is everywhere in the universe we can observe as well… Some of the water …

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Einstein showed us that matter and energy are interchangeable. And that time is altered by velocity. His calculations predicted singularities that had only been imagined possible before him. Black holes. But what was beneath the surface was unknown. Unpredictable. That’s a good metaphor for life. What really happens beneath the surface is the interchanging of …

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Sometimes the very nature of reality transcends language… Yet language transcends barriers, allowing a greater understanding. Whenever there’s polarization, it’s simply an invitation for a better understanding. When there’s an argument, it’s an opening for better communication. How each person perceives reality is perception. And at the exact moment you are ready… 💥Time isn’t linear. …

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Obstacles aren’t really obstacles when you remember who you are… You’re a multidimensional, shape-shifting being of pure energy who transmorphed into the physical realm with a timeline to complete your mission of choosing. Every atom in you and all of your subatomic components are just tiny little bundles of energy. So doesn’t it make sense …

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Cool science fact: We’re all just dreaming reality. Because your mind creates a waking hallucination by reading energy stimuli, translating through your perception, then matching up to your subconscious data bank of what’s known to you. Truth is we’re just floating through space reading energy as we go. We are energy reading energy. How cool …

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The Big Bang is an optical illusion created by a ripple effect. The expansion of the universe is just like a ripple in a pond, expanding outward. And through the lens of time and space, our universe is projected from this surface. That means everything we call reality is superficial. It’s all part of the …

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Prepare yourself to be surprised by how awesome your universe can be. Because it’s not always predictable. It may not always give you what you want. Yet somehow, things always push you in a direction, and where that takes you is up to you. You can’t manifest if you’re attached to what you manifest. But …

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Omniversal law: Consciousness is communication with self. And it’s multifaceted… You’re communicating with yourself through your human vessel. Through your inner self. Your thoughts and actions. You’re communicating with yourself through reflections you observe as others. What comes up for you in the presence of what someone does or says? In that moment, you are …

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You are not here to become a spiritual being. You ARE a spiritual being. Prior to your karma, your soul contracts, and your grand purpose, your consciousness entered this realm of being for one thing. To be human. Billions of years of the universes’ evolution and hundreds of thousands of years of human growth have …

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A moment can last an eternity. And eternity can be found in any given moment. It’s the holographic principle of time… The entirety is coded into every single unit. Like matter and energy have particles, time has moments. And just like the universe is projected through every grain of existence, time exists in the same …