Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Is simply just is. But what does that really mean? It means that energy isn’t bound by time since it’s always present. All possibilities of time exist within this energy matrix. Energy is ever-present and eternal. So yes, you have time to get that done. And what …

Spring Theory

What if you had tools to see things differently? Would you be as hard on yourself if you could see the bigger picture of what you’re accomplishing? We’re gonna let you in on a little secret. And it’s going to change everything about how you see yourself. By altering the way we see our reality, …

Daily Download

You, and only you, can free yourself. And no one else can or will. So free yourself just as you love yourself. Knowing that you hold the ultimate power to break free of the shackles constructed within your own mind by your best understanding of things at the time and social conditioning that you allowed …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Complaining is a way of giving your power to something. Whatever it is people complain about is what keeps that active in their own field of awareness. The subconscious mind just wants to find more of what you focus on. So by complaining, people attract even more of what they don’t want. …

Daily Download

Maybe you can’t solve a problem with the same thought process that created it. But you can write an entire new book using the same words. You can create any piece of art from the same colors. You don’t have to invent a new language or color palette every time, so why would you have …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Something good will come of this. That goes for everything. Yes everything. Even if you believe nothing good will come of something and nothing does, doesn’t that make nothing something? And isn’t that good to validate your belief? Now flip that switch in your beliefs to allow even more possibilities… That’s all you …

Daily Download

If you love somebody, let yourself go. So you can be free to love yourself further, allowing you to love them even more. So you can create space to grow and evolve, to observe your own emotions flowing and processing as you work on yourself. You see, it has less to do with the other …

Daily Download

What you feed grows, and what you starve dies. This is often used to describe the duality of consciousness, light and dark. I will add that what you perceive to be separate won’t add to the whole. Until you accept all your parts you’re going to be operating from within the illusion of incompleteness. Because …

Daily Download

Ever think that before you’re ready, something has to be perfect? Then consider this: The universe made just one of you, without ever needing you to be perfect. Because your imperfections align you with your greatest lessons and learnings in the living. If you were perfect, what would you have to gain from experiencing life? …

Daily Download

If you wish to travel to another parallel universe then know this: All you have to do is just take a step in any direction. Every parallel is connected to right here and now. There is literally no separation between where you are right now and any given positivity for your life. Anything you can …

Daily Download

Love is the beauty within you. Love is the infinite expressed within every single bit of your presence each and every brand new moment. Love is your connection to all that is. Your consciousness. Love is the law of attraction that makes all things possible from all the tiny subatomic particles bringing together exactly what’s …

Daily Download

The healers journey in this existence is simply to heal oneself. There are no other commitments that can possibly supercede one’s own commitment to oneself. Because nothing is more powerful than self. You can love yourself. You can be everything you need in a partner for yourself. You can be the best version of yourself, …

Daily Download

By transcending limiting thinking from your past, you allow yourself to enjoy more of what life has to offer for you right now. What if you simply did that? Allow yourself to enjoy life even more right now? What could you possibly be holding onto so much so that you wouldn’t do this one thing …

Daily Download

We are witnessing right now how certain language lends itself to our programming…The human perception can take things and add meaning to them. Like ‘social distancing.’ For me, I don’t like this combination of words. Because it means I can’t hug. So the coding in my brain has transformed the meaning of the term ‘social …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your linguistic patterns have the power to program you or to free you. It’s your choice, but most people have the default setting to be programmed. How do you know? Every action and behavior is coming from some level of programming, because on your core level, your brain codes everything. Your brain …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Until you’ve transcended your own bullshit, you’ll keep attracting the same thing in different people. This is why people say that “all wo/men are the same.” It’s because their mind is only open to one possibility based on their own patterns, behaviors, and attraction. It’s their karma. It’s pretty obvious however, when …

Mandatory Slay at Home

The Shield of Power Workshop

Mandatory Slay at Home is a program of transformational techniques designed and custom-tailored to exactly what you desire to work on in life. The one area that once transcended will see all other areas of life just falling right into place. The science of Slay is based on your brain’s neuroplasticity, which means you can …

Daily Download

Ever worry about how long it may take to accomplish your goals? Well allow this to put things into perspective: You are 13.8 billion years in the making. It took the universe this long just to make one of YOU. So perfection takes time and practice. The universe has to first make space for all …