Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The reason some people are hateful is simply because they’re being exposed to something that forces them to confront something within themselves that they’re afraid of. So it’s easier for them to project outward. It becomes easier to attack others, to judge, and condemn than to just acknowledge that they too have …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Duality is a mind-fuck. If at any time you believe that you or someone else has to pick a “side,” you’re falling into this trap. From a universal perspective, duality only exists within the illusion (the projection from source). What may seem like positive and negative energies are simply different spins of …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you’re unwilling to spend money on personal development, you’re unwilling to invest in yourself. And THAT’S exactly why you have problems with money. Because you’re creating limitations where you could be creating a mindset of abundance. Authentic people don’t ask for money to fix you or any kind of cosmetic bullshit. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You can’t run humanity as a business. We tried that already. It was called slavery. Even after that and with all our modern technology and knowledge, we still try though. Banks lock people in debt to keep the money game going. Corporations treated as people reap the profits for only the top …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Life is not meant to ever go back to ways it once was. “Normal” was only an illusion based upon how you define the world from your perception of it. There never really was a “normal” when you think about it, wasn’t there? What if that illusion was only there for you …

Daily Download

You create your reality through your perception of the world. It’s the observer effect of quantum physics. What that does NOT mean is that you create every bad situation that happens. You control how you respond to situations, and that creates your reality by attracting the energy of your vibration in your responses. Not the …

Daily Download

When you look up into higher physical dimensions, it’s just as much a shift in the dimensions as it is a shift in perception. You can go into your shadow to see yourself in higher dimensions, which creates that shift in perception. And to see things in a 4th physical dimension, it shifts the other …

Daily Download

Maybe nobody talks about this, but men get body shamed too. Men are judged by their appearance and physique too. More than half of men are shamed for being short. More than half. Because the median height is still short. And yes, men do get fat-shamed too. Not to mention penis shaming. And social status. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: This world will burn. One day a long time from now we’ll be reduced to ash as we become one with the sun. Until then we’re given a chance every single brand new moment to go within and allow the fire within to burn old paradigms, beliefs, and social conditioning programming that …

Daily Download

Inspiring minds want to grow… It’s not enough to just inspire those in your radius of influence. The truly inspirational aren’t doing this just for themselves. They’re inspiring everyone in their base to grow, to create, and to make their living following their divine purpose too. That’s how we grow together. Because no forest has …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you begin to overcome your social conditioning, programming, and brainwashing, you see how prevalent it is everywhere. You see how most people are still under its spell. You see through the bullshit! But what you see is ugly. Seeing people under the spell of emotional manipulation and control and economic slavery …

Daily Download

The universe doesn’t choose the one(s) it gives messages to… It doesn’t choose who is worthy or not. The universe doesn’t choose who will be enlightened. The universe simply does not pick favorites. YOU rise to the occasion. The universe’s messages are ever-present. The universe’s love is eternal. The universe’s knowledge and wisdom are always …

Daily Download

Love will keep you on course. No matter what going on outside of you, know this; It is an invitation for you to focus within. To love yourself further. So love yourself as you free yourself of the social programming and constructs in your environment. Those things are not you and they are not yours! …

My Pledge To Be Free

“Love one another in a way that makes them feel completely free.” I just wanna say thanks to everyone for the continued support and unlimited resources to help spread peace, love, and knowledge. Through this platform, the Omniversal approach to transformational science has expanded into new avenues, with so much more just on the horizon. …

Daily Download

Let’s get environmentally conscious, Let’s learn harmony with our planet… We are  being invited to learn to live with her.  Because when we didn’t, the signs are everywhere. Like being surrounded by acid fog. Or continuing to burn fossil fuels, depleting the world’s supplies and altering the natural climate cycles to the point where mass …

Daily Download

The intersection of infinity is you. Right here. Right now. Everything is present at this one point. Every lesson from past experiences. Every future possibility. The timeline isn’t actually a timeline at all. When you review your life, you see every other possibility that was available to you for every choice you made, even choices …

Daily Download

To all healers, lightworkers, therapists, healthcare workers, etc. Your service is important to all people regardless of sex, color, nationality, political preference, or general assholishness. Please recognize others’ maps of reality–how they define their frame of reference based on their own values and beliefs. Speak into their frame of reference, as they may be resistant …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Fear and paranoia can be so persistent in the minds of others that not even logic will help them. They might listen. But their mind snaps back like a rubber band to focus on what they fear (and what does that attract even more of then?). The mind is automatically biased in …

Daily Download

You’re living in a dream. Here’s why: When the brain receives sensory input, even when it’s not enough to formulate a complete picture, it fills in the gaps. This is one of the prime directives of the subconscious mind. It automatically fills in gaps when there’s missing information. That’s why sometimes you see something, thinking …

Daily Download

Even in the midst of chaos–especially in the midst of chaos–you always have your ability to manifest. Yes, always 🙂 The question then becomes, what is it that you manifest? Because in any given moment, your mind has the power to choose. The power to choose between love and fear. That’s your power! You have …