Daily Download

When you envision, you’re IN your vision, making it happen. But if something doesn’t go exactly as planned, you can always do a revision. That’s just honing in on your vision again, isn’t it? Re-vision. Getting more precise on the target and following your strategies of success even better. A revision is just another chance …

Daily Download

How not to get caught up in the ‘could have been’ trap: don’t focus on what could have happened–you have the power to embody and be that which you desire right fucking now! That’s the power of now. You get to decide whether you react to life’s situations or respond. You get to decide who …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You don’t need to be embodying the highest degree of success in order to inspire people. You only need to be doing what you do. You only need to be getting out there, regardless of what obstacles may come your way, and keep doing it. You don’t have to have a million …

Daily Download

Here’s one of my favorite ways the ego serves positively: While you might associate ego with negative self talk, it’s kinda funny that the ego has a hard time admitting when there are areas of yourself you don’t love as much. Because the ego wants to love yourself too! This can be a problem if …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: When you recode the now, you recode all time, past, present, and future. Because times not linear. All time is connected to the now–this present moment. Think I’m out of my mind? I AM! You go through different perceptual positions, and viewing from outside of yourself gives you tools to see beyond your …

Daily Download

If you wanna change the world, change the way you see the world. Try this: See the good in people. Sounds challenging, right? It certainly can be. But what have you ever accomplished that didn’t have challenges? Where would you be now if you have persevered? What’s different after you did get through your greatest …

Your Upgrade is Ready to Download

Omniversal Law: When you transmute fear, you become immune. Now, before you act, you are invited to consider this: Don’t cast away the chemical aides that protect your human immune system just yet. You see, this transmutation happens on a level beyond your human condition. Your human condition that you agreed to… Yes, you agreed …

Daily Download

For every particle, there is a corresponding wave. Everything is energy. This is Omniversal Law. And yes, that means you are energy. From the trillions of subatomic particles that make of each and every one of trillions of your cells, you are certainly a very abundant energy source, aren’t you? And with all that power …

Daily Download

Intuition isn’t just meant to get you what you want. Sometimes it’s there to guide you using that as bait. In other words, what’s best for you is right next to the thing that got your attention. Kinda changes perspective on things doesn’t it? So yea, pay attention to your desires. They’re guiding you to …

Say This With Me: I AM Here to Love!

There are those of us who can see, hear, feel, and know things from beyond the realm of human comprehension. People get messages in various ways from beyond. From Angels. Ascended Masters. Spirits. Aliens. Simply, from energy. After all, everything is energy. Yet you’ve been conditioned to believe that these are illusions made up in …

Daily Download

Time travel is not only possible, your ability to do so it’s actually built-in! It’s one of your senses… And no, you’re not just limited to 5 senses. There’s spatial awareness when you perceive where something is in your field. There’s the ability to feel vibrations and energy. And there’s your ability to pause time, …

Daily Download

Whenever someone tries to dispel your beliefs based on the absence of proof in the name of “science,” just kindly respond: Well, there’s no evidence of dark matter either, yet here we are. 😉 You see, science doesn’t disprove unless there’s even more evidence to overturn a fact. And scientists are able to predict the …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You are exactly where your greatest lessons are. Maybe you confronted your lessons head-on and are moving through them like a boss. And here you are. Maybe in the past you ran from the lessons. And here you are right now, wherever you ended up, going through them. Either way, you are right …

Daily Download

If you must kill the ego, know this: The killer will survive. The killer will go on having destroyed part of yourself. The killer will become you. Is that what you want to engrain into your identity? Into every cell of your being? How is that going to make the cells of your body feel, …

Daily Download

When you judge the foods you or others eat, your body listens. Your body translates lower frequencies in your body using chemical signals in the form of hormones, sending the message your body: ‘not good enough.’ Or worse. Your food sends these signals to your body based on your beliefs. And when you love the …

Daily Download

How you treat yourself teaches others how to treat you. It’s not just what you tolerate from other people. It’s an inside job. How you talk to yourself–even the part that no one hears–tells others how to communicate with you. It’s your energy. And how you love yourself shows the world how to love one …

Daily Download

I opened up to my dark side, not to expose what’s wrong but to embrace everything as it was. I shined a spotlight into the darkness, not to make it go away, but to let it be seen. Because on this stage of life, my darkness has just as much a voice as my light. …

Daily Download

An important question: Should spiritual practices and personal transformation be free? Is it an inherent right that we have free resources and tools to make our lives better? I AM a supporter of free resources, yet as a professional, one could never make a living doing all free work, and that would make it virtually …