Daily Download

Divine will is your right. Because you are an aspect of divine consciousness. A channel for consciousness to flow in, as, and through you. A face on a multifaceted transdimensional diamond. And that gives you the ability to see through multiple perceptual positions. Supreme perceptual positions. See through the eyes of divine will. You’ll see …

Daily Download

We speak the language of love. Every time you share gratitude, acts of kindness and compassion, and service in the name of love, you are creating this language. And we are listening. We hear the cries of humanity and the acts of love from people coming together to help one another. We feel every tear …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Things don’t fall down, they fall inward. There is no up or down in space. And you, dear ones, are floating through space on a giant rock. Its gravity pulls you inward to safety. Inward for grounding. Inward for growth and evolution, because you grow from this inward direction. Everything operates from …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What’s not enough for one person is more than enough for another. What wasn’t accepted by one will be openly received by someone else. If you were ever shamed for not being enough or not doing things right, there is always, yes always, someone ready to accept you as you are and …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You are not a product of your environment; your environment is a product of YOU! Because you control whether you are reacting or responding to the energy around you and within you. You decide whether to project your unresolved issues or to emanate from a place of self-love and healing. You choose …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything you experience is an invitation for you to discover the essence of your true self. Every “challenge.” Every lesson. Everyfuckingthing physical. We say this is part of the “illusion” for you to understand… These ideas are born from the illusion that you are separate from something. That illusion is not a trick. …

Portal to a New You Workshop

The universe has infinite possibilities that give you unlimited opportunities for your life. For every version of you, there is a universe where that’s already a reality, just waiting for you to real-eyes. Ask yourself, what is one area of life right now where you desire even more success, and having real-eyesed this, you’ll see …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your pain points are your greatest assets. Because you’ve made it through them now and came out shining, haven’t you? That is what aligns you with those who you will guide through theirs. Everything you went through is the road map for countless others’ healing. You are the leader to guide others …

Daily Download

We have turned on a light in our little corner of the universe. It’s enough for us to see yet not enough to understand the universe as a whole. Yet. Mainly because we think it’s separate. We think space is big. We think objects are far away. That’s only because our light hasn’t illuminated it …

Daily Download

Be in love with the feeling of being in love. Embody that which you are manifesting right now. Be a vessel of love just like your heart is full of swishy red love juice! It is the feeling that aligns you and the embodiment that attracts it. And gratitude makes it so. But the mind …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Loving yourself is what holds all the pieces of you together. It is the universe hugging every cell of your being! Because deep down, it is love that attracts every subatomic particle in you together to create your physical reality. It is love that builds upon these atoms attracted together and molecules that …

Daily Download

I think we all agree by now that violence never solved anything constructive and never will. Yet when you look around, it seems others are trying to manipulate you with anger. People say you should be outraged by this or that. People go to protest that which they’re against. They use the rage within them …

Daily Download

Maybe you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself if you could see that you’re processing several lifetimes of karma now. Sometimes it just takes a different viewpoint to look at yourself. Remember, you can always change your viewpoint to see yourself in new empowering ways. Yes, always. Imagine floating above and looking down into the …

Daily Download

We all change over time. We all go through our own transformations. Sometimes it’s so gradual we don’t notice how much we’ve changed. And that’s why these two words are so perfect that they can actually show you how awesome you have become: What’s different? Ask yourself now, where in the past something else would …

Daily Download

Follow your heart. It will never lead you astray. You know what will? Fear. And that doesn’t happen when you follow your heart. Fear will make you think your heart may lead you astray, but if that happens, you’re following your ego. Fear is a lie. And the ego doesn’t know better. Except when it …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You attract what you are. When you’re human, you attract human things. Human lessons. Human triumphs. And when you’re love, you attract even more love. When you’re aware that every single grain of your existence–the energy underlying the physical framework–is nothing else but pure universal attraction, you see that it’s nothing but love! …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When people try to stop you from doing something just on the chance that you might fail, they’re actually taking away the one thing you need to succeed. And that’s to fail. It’s ok to fail, and every person successful at anything has failed more times than the naysayers have even tried. …

Daily Download

You might hear a lot about the universe being an illusion, but there’s something they don’t say. The universe is illusory by the nature of how the universe projects itself into every grain of existence that’s in every bit of your presence. The illusion doesn’t make it any less real. The illusion is simply a …

How to Create Luck in the Matrix

Ever hear yourself asking why things seem so easy for someone where you find yourself being challenged? That challenge is your best friend. And it has nothing to do with the other person! They’re just here to reflect to you the things that will be your greatest accomplishments. Kinda changes things already, doesn’t it? Here’s …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Love makes all things possible. Because when you get down to it, everything in the universe comes together through some form of attraction. Even humans. We call that love. Love is the very basis of universal programming code. Gratitude is the execution of the code. You are the programmer, the observer, and the …