Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You are the love that you’re made of. Love is the raw attraction present everywhere in the universe. It’s the forces that pull things together to make energy from vibrations and matter from energy. It’s the life-force that continually builds and evolves exactly what’s perfect for life to begin. And thrive. All of …

Daily Download

Sometimes you gotta answer to a higher calling. To do so, you will step up. Level up. Man up. This isn’t just about a man’s place to protect women. No, that frame of mind comes from an old system of values that propagates old double standards set for men and women. Men teach their sons …

Daily Download

I’m not buying all this stuff people are saying about your chakras being blocked. No, your chakras are going to send energy exactly where it’s best for you at the time. They’re just energy centers–hubs for moving data. Some of the best damn ones available in the universe! Ain’t nothing wrong with em, only your …

Daily Download

What if I told you that the conscious mind, aka analytical mind/ego, and the subconscious programming that drive 95% of your values, beliefs, and behaviors are the same mind? They just act differently. One holds your identity and the illusion that you actually control things. The other holds all of your programming that controls you. …

Letting Go of Letting Go

I went to a dark place. It was like falling into the same hole, but different this time. I didn’t need any help getting out. Sometimes there’s someone there for you that’s been through something similar, to help. Sometimes there’s someone to pull you up. I didn’t ask for that. I didn’t need that. Instead, …

Daily Download

We humans tend to think of things like attraction and karma as a direct cause and effect. Well, in actuality it’s not that simple. That’s only our perception. Instead of cause and effect, think of it more like a ripple effect. Everything you think, say, and do creates waves energetically that will be reflected back …

Daily Download

Stop thinking that people do things to you. Start witnessing that people reflect things to you. That’s how you find out what’s going on inside of you. And no, you’re not attracting shit happening to you. You’re attracting the chance to see what lessons are in store for you. And that creates a shift. Because …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What you say will mean nothing if you don’t believe it yourself. Anybody can talk about positivity, healing, and love. But you gotta feel that shit all the way down in your bones! That’s authenticity. It’s not just saying it. It’s doing it–with conviction. It’s embodying every single thing you experience, good …

Daily Download

Sometimes you just gotta say fuck em, no matter how loving and compassionate you are. Not everyone is gonna get your vibe. Maybe you need to cut ties and move on to the next version of you. Let your haters say what they gotta say, because it doesn’t involve you. And so with compassion, say …

Daily Download

Be amazed by what’s possible. Simply because every possibility of life and love exists in the now. Anything’s possible! The reality you call forth just pulls you in the direction of your dreams when you’re aligned! The best future for you literally pulls you toward it. It’s your vibe that attracts you to the best …

Daily Download

God doesn’t have a plan for you, because that plan IS you. The ocean does not plan to make waves. It just does. Life does not plan to be created in this universe out of chaos. It just does. It is you that creates your own plan, based on your own internal beliefs, values, and …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Cold isn’t really a thing–it’s just the absence of heat. Darkness is similar. It’s just the absence of light. And surprisingly, freedom is the same. None of these are actual things. Freedom is simply being free of something. What then, are you telling yourself you want when you want to be free …

Daily Download

Being loved by someone is definitely one of the most amazing feelings, isn’t it? So be that person that loves you in this way. What’s that do? It releases dependence and gives you freedom and liberation. It allows you to love someone else even moreso, because you love yourself so much. And you love them …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Perception is personal. Every single beautiful soul sees things not just as they are, but in the best way possible based on how they filter infinite data. You are perceiving an infinite source. Your mind decides what information it can handle. Your mind filters infinity into smaller packets of ‘reality.’ What is perceived …

Daily Download

We talk about releasing expectations and attachments and also about knowing what you need vs. being needy. But those things still happen. Sometimes if it’s not for the best, you can catch and release. Catch yourself going into those modes. Then simply let go. Or if they’re of the highest order, they’ll serve you positively. …

Daily Download

Three words to myself that mean everything: Don’t. Hold. Back. Your feelings are valid, so be free to feel what you feel. That’s how you know it’s real. When something comes up for you, all it what gifts it is bringing. What’s the higher lesson? How does it serve you? And what’s the highest intent …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Sex is not power. Money is not power. Control is not power. Because when people try to use those things for power, they’re trying to exert power OVER someone. Love is true power. Because you don’t ever love over someone. You share this ultimate power WITH someone. As it should be. And …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When a person shares their truth with you, there is very little chance that their story changes. What does change however, is your understanding of their truth and the story you create for you two based on how your subconscious mind maps your reality. You filter their truth to create the story …

Daily Download

The entire universe, life, and evolution explained in six words: You are the universe loving herself. This love is what brings things together from the illusion of separation to create forces, matter, and life. This love is the constant flow of natural divine energy that makes a matrix of unlimited possibilities into a conscious computer …