
Things I’ve learned from relationships: I’ve attracted people in my life to reflect back to me something within myself. To be present. To give a voice to the part of me that hurt. To listen and observe. To allow that voice to feel safe expressing himself. I found that when people are at their worst–when …

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Blunt Force Truth: You can’t be missing anything or not getting anything from a partner that you can’t be giving to yourself. Whatever it is you think you’re missing from another is a chance for you to find it within. And then ask yourself, why haven’t I been giving myself this all along? Because maybe, …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Whether you’re for it or against it, you’re still part of it. Instead of taking sides, look at the whole picture of what’s going on. Whether you want something or push away from something unwanted, you’re still attracting that something. Instead, you can attract something even more by focusing more on what’s …

Daily Download

If you’re meeting the same people in different bodies, the universe is telling you something. If you’re running into the same lessons with different people, then it’s you that needs to change, not the world around you. And when you do change, so will the world around you. All these interactions are just messages from …

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Love isn’t just the strongest human emotion, from which all others form a broad spectrum like white light through a prism. Love isn’t just the universal binding force of attraction of all energies and matter, the very force that makes life possible. Love creates whole new dimensions that provide us directions with which to grow. …

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I AM ready for change. For all new life adventures! New places. New people. New life lessons! Wait, you might want to say, be careful what you’re attracting, don’t you? Well I just unsubscribed to all fear theories. Fear doesn’t mean anything. Let me explain: Fear. Don’t. Mean. Shit! It ain’t about not attracting lessons. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Not believing in something doesn’t make it any less real. What it does do is prevent you from being able to see it though (so you think you’re right). That’s just how the subconscious mind works! It doesn’t negate things. It simply finds more of what’s in alignment with your current beliefs, …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When you make things about you, you’re setting yourself up for punishment. Taking things personally is a choice. Interpreting things about you is your choice. Reading into a situation from only this perspective limits what you will perceive and understand. Even if it is about something you said or did, you have …

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Bring out the best in people. By seeing the best in their intentions. By anticipating the best in their behaviors. No, it doesn’t make you naive or a pushover to be nice to people and see their best. It makes your subconscious focus even more on that, making it a self-fulfilling prophecy. You see infinite …

Daily Download

Dear Universe, When I first saw you, I fell in love with you. Your pure beauty. Your sheer elegance. Your perfection. But you were so perfect, I couldn’t see you through your mask. So you see, you had to be cracked open. You had to break through your shell so your light could shine through. …

We’re Living in a Simulation, But Who’s in Control?

Lots of tech experts and scientists agree that chances are very high that we are actually living within a computer simulation. The physics of the universe follows a basic kind of programming code from start to finish. And the biomolecular building blocks of life also have their own programming code. They’re basically robots and 3D …

Daily Download

No good deed goes unpunished? It always rains when it pours? Bad things happen in threes? Stop saying these limiting phrases to yourself, because you are choosing to incorporate them into your programming by doing so. You are telling your subconscious mind that you are expecting bad things to happen–and that tells the subconscious to …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: There’s a huge difference between your boundaries and your blocks. Yet each serves a positive intent. Boundaries filter who or what gets into your heart and mind based on what you determine is best for you. Blocks also filter, but are typically based on your own limitations. They might even prevent you …

Daily Download

You were right. But just maybe, not for the reasons you thought you were. You were right because everything in your decision was based on your underlying beliefs. Your beliefs are the programming code in the subconscious that tell your mind what it is you want to see. So whatever it is you believe determines …

Daily Download

Knowing that everything exists in this moment, what if you could expand this moment into eternity, experiencing even more of who you really are at every level of existence? Would you be willing to see yourself, fully enlightened, without fear, expectation, or attachment of your full potential? Would you be ready to experience the universe …

Secrets of the Kundalini

In the beginning, time didn’t exist yet. Therefore there is no beginning. What we think is the actual “beginning” was our first singularity of consciousness, collectively. A point at which we can never return. An awakening. This awakening comes from a state of oneness. This collective consciousness then agreed to the illusion of separation so …

Daily Download

Beliefs are upgradable. As your life changes, you are free to customize you beliefs based upon your life experiences. Some choose to place burdens on themselves from lower vibrations like drama, judgment, or even hatred. Others choose to strip away these layers that no longer serve them, even when it seems to go against the …

Daily Download

The world is nice… The world is mean… The world will be whatever you want it to be. Consider your underlying beliefs and values. What have you attracted in the past up until now, and how has this shaped your perception of your surroundings? How has that then shaped your beliefs of others and attracted …

Daily Download

Working on releasing your past shouldn’t hold you to your past. Simply allow yourself to view it just one last time so you can get the lesson and be present. Building a better future for yourself is also good, when it doesn’t take you away from the present moment. Goals, vision boards, and manifesting are …