Daily Download

I know you. I know who you are. And I know you’re here. Ever-present in this field of infinite possibilities. I’m not waiting–and neither are you. I’m becoming even more ready for all of your awesomeness to manifest wholly and completely from this field of abundant love. I am aligning universes. I am programming universes. …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The key to intuition isn’t about predicting. It’s about creating. You have the power to shift your reality into exactly what you dream it to be simply because the universe is made that way. You’re not concerned with what’s happening in the future. You’re creating a better now! You align your intentions …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You give things consciousness. It’s how we interact with our environment on an intuitive level. Trust your gut and feel how this vibrates. Life evolves from simple to complex because of natural law. So does consciousness. You might think universal consciousness is this grand all-knowing all-seeing awareness, right? But you’re applying your awareness …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Love doesn’t always follow the rules. And why should it? Love is meant to be lived. To be felt. Love doesn’t need to be told what to do. It just does. It’ll pick you up and knock you out of your socks. It’ll make you head over heels. It’s the ultimate feels. …

The Lightbody

I don’t always know just where the channeled messages are from. But some things always draw you closer to source. And it’ll surprise you how it happens when you’re just doing whatever you do on an ordinary day. Yardwork in my case. Just trimming the palm tree. I want you to meet some friends I’ve …

Daily Download

When you love yourself, magic happens. Everything changes in the world around you because you’re seeing things through a different lens. And that means you’re attracting more of the good that you see in the world. You’re upgrading. And so is who and what you attract in life. The universe is matching you with all …

Daily Download

As you change and evolve, so does what you attract from the universe. But only you know how you desire to grow. You set intentions and practice prayer and/or meditation to tell the universe. It’s like programming code. You program, the universe compiles. All that’s needed is a declaration to say it so: I AM …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: There are no opposites. It’s only part of the illusion. Darkness is the illusion of lack of light. Cold is the illusion of lack of heat. There is no positivity or negativity–only illusions stemming from one core essence. Positive is just a different direction of the same spin as negative. Like attracts like. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything you say and do is going to be reflected back to you in the way that’s perfect for you. This is not karma. This is how the universe works. Attraction is her language and your thoughts, words, and actions are your communication that tell the universe what it is that you are …

Want to Be the Best Version of Yourself? Try These 7 Universe Hacks

What if you could just show up as the most authentic version of yourself everywhere you go? Who would you become if you fully embraced your power each and every brand new moment? What if I told you that it’s not hard at all? It’s possible. Just set the intention and work on yourself a …

The Science of the Law of Attraction

Ever read these profoundities about how you can change yourself to change what you attract? Does it sound too good to be true? Well this might just be illuminating your limiting beliefs. And through deductive reasoning, your subconscious mind looks for information to support your limiting belief, contextualizing your self-fulfilling reality. In other words, you …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everybody is reflecting something back to you for you to heal yourself. Pay attention to the signs. Take notice of the results you’ve gotten in life in the past up until now. What was reflected back to you by others so perfectly that you can illuminate and transmute to permanently change that which …

The Answers Are Within

You can look up to the stars, our ancient ancestors, and see their magnificent beauty shining throughout the entire known universe. You are their afterlife. A microcosm of life on a stellar scale. And even stars are but a smaller version of the bubbles that make our universe. Because once, a very long time ago, …

1,000th Blog!!!

Manifest life. It’s what you do. So why not make the most of your experience? Welcome to the maya, the illusion created for you to customize your experience. She’ll be your guide for good. She’s the universe’s graphical user interface. And you, dear one, you are here on purpose . You are the programmer, the …

Daily Download

What makes the world go around? Everything’s moving somewhere, and we’re orbiting around the sun, spinning along one of the fingers of the Milky Way, moving in the Local Group that’s being pulled along with everything else in the Lanikea Supercluster towards the Great Attractor. Gravity pulls things toward another while the motion puts its …

Daily Download

Space and time are part of the illusion. Positivity and negativity are part of the illusion. You wanna believe in reality? Then believe in love. It’s the only thing that’s real. Love is the underlying force behind all forces of attraction that create all things to bring us back together from the illusion of separation. …

The Reset Button

A lotta people are gonna get mad when they find out that the “karma” they wished upon someone can easily be stopped in its tracks. So tell me then, if you believe karma is some kind of punishment or street justice, who’s hurting who? No, karma is an energy that attracts. A pattern that repeats …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The source of all emotional pain comes from a place where YOU haven’t loved yourself as completely as you could. The universal feedback mechanism reflects that back to you through your connectedness with others. Yes, you attracted your pain. The universe does so to tell you where you can love yourself even …

Daily Download

Somewhere out in space a long, long way from Earth, beyond the Milky Way, outside of our local group, in the middle of the Lanikea super cluster, there’s a convergence. It’s something so powerful, it’s pulling everything in all around it. It’s the Great Attractor. The funny thing is, nobody knows what it is. It’s …

Daily Download

The universe is expressed infinitely through every grain of your existence. So much so, that math can’t be used to describe it. Math isn’t the language of the universe. You know what is? It’s the attraction that brings all things together, that you feel in your body and soul–it’s love! Because love is infinite. You …