Daily Download

The story of your life is telling you something. Take notice how things have repeated in the past, as this is illuminating the energy you attract. So tell your story without being held to your story. As you dissociate from the charge of this energy, your attraction changes, allowing you to empower others with how …

5 Aspects of the Self

What would you do with the ultimate power within, knowing that you’re capable of accomplishing anything, as you manifest even more love and abundance? The key is loving yourself. Loving every bit of who you are. That means in the physical and beyond. And to love the self is to know the self–all aspects of …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth. Anything you run from you are inviting to chase you. If you wish to change what you attract, you must change something within yourself that believes this had served you in some way in the past. Want to let go of old energy from the past year? Rather than just declaring 2017 …

Daily Download

It’s easy to be love. The universe makes it happen! Love is more than emotion–it’s your very essence. It’s the underlying energy that all forces and matter come from. Just like how all your emotions do. It’s something you feel, and it’s what you are. Love is the attraction that brings all things together to …

Daily Download

Your self importance is self evident. How you love yourself is reflected back to you subconsciously through every other beautiful soul you walk amongst. If you ever feel hurt, this is a chance for you to see your reflection. Be gracious and thank the ones who deliver your messages to you. And be thankful to …

Secrets of the Universe Unveiled

View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile on LinkedIn View +davidbertolacci’s profile on Google+ I’m really good at not keeping secrets. 😉 This secret is the answer to an age-old question. What is the meaning of life? In the midst of cracking the universal …

Daily Download

The universe is a conspiracy to love you. It’s everywhere. It’s everything. It’s the attraction in between every single grain of existence. it’s the illusion of separation. It’s all love! And the universe has direction and purpose. That is consciousness–the flow of love. Consciousness allows all things to grow and evolve. And that’s why you’re …

Daily Download

What does love feel like? One of the true blessings of life is being able to transmute the energy of all that is into this beautiful attractive force. But what if you’re experiencing pain? Then you are not in complete alignment with who you are (a being of pure love). This is an invitation to …

Daily Download

When was the last time that you fell in love? Was it the best thing ever? Or were you hurt? What did you see in yourself? What did you learn? You see, there never are any accidents. You simply can’t love the wrong person. Because they were exactly who they needed to be for your …

Daily Download

Most people think that reality is fixed. We tend to look at solid objects as if that’s what they are. And the tragedy is that when we think we have it all figured out, that’s when the curiosity stops. Until that miracle moment when you remember how fascinating life was when you were a child …

Daily Download

Raising your core vibration may seem to make it difficult to appeal to many. But it really makes it easier to be with the right people. This happens naturally by the ripple effect you create with your waves. Your ever-increasing vibrations allow your energetic self to shed your skin as you spin off your attachments. …

The Science behind the Law of Attraction

We’ve all heard the term ‘law of attraction.’ We’ve witnessed it in life. There’s been enough time to observe it in action many times in one lifetime. And the sample size is just about everybody on the planet. So how can we apply our collective experience and knowledge to study this scientifically and gain even …

In the Arms of an Angel

True power exists within the subtleties of life. This power is often dormant and unseen. Maybe even unknown. It’s a form of potential energy, like the kundalini within us all. The life force that when awakened, separates mind and body allowing you to experience the universe literally flowing through every grain of your existence. And this potential …

The Three Trees of Life

To science effectively, a good communicator engages the audience. S/he speaks into the people’s understanding. And one of the single most effective methods of communicating uses analogies. This allows you to relate the concepts to any audience. View GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Facebook View @GrandSlamTheory’s profile on Twitter View dbertolacci’s profile on Instagram View davidbertolacci’s profile …

Daily Download

Here’s five keys to being happy. Believe in yourself. Always. Even if it seems like no one else does. But don’t get caught up in what others think–otherwise it might become a reflection of what you think. You are here on purpose. Believe it. Forgive yourself. Everything that happens is what you allow. Taking personal …

Daily Download

You are love. Plain and simple. You are not your ego. You are not your body, or even your soul. You are timeless. Eternal. You go beyond the dimensions of the universe. Call it what you want–vibrations, frequency, attraction, God. It’s what you are. And how does this feel? You know it as love. You …

Daily Downloads

Introducing DAILY DOWNLOADS for inspiration from science. Subscribe below for updates and like Omniverse on facebook.com/GrandSlamTheory. With new advances in cutting edge science, notice how you can be uplifted and motivated simply by the profound meaning of this knowledge. There are two key elements of our universe. Its majestic beauty is a projection from a …

Lessons From the End of Earth

When you look around, you may see a lot of doom and gloom from our scientific community and media. Everybody loves to scare you with tales of how life will end. Fear controls and manipulates people, so naturally it makes for good exposure. That’s why there’s still so much coverage about the “asteroid that killed …