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It’s ok to not have all the answers. Einstein once tried to disprove quantum mechanics. Didn’t turn out like he and his colleagues planned. They found that separate particles, regardless of distance, could share the same state, and it happened instantaneously. They literally discovered quantum entanglement and tried to use it as evidence against quantum …

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Just a touch can be felt all over the body in every cell. Instantaneously. It’s like there’s some kind of quantum network making weird shit possible. There is. Through the magic of the heart’s wave signature, an electromagnetic pulse communicated by the heart, the energy can sync with the brain’s own subatomic matrix. It’s been …

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Sure, close encounters with aliens are cool and all, but… Have you ever had a close encounter with a human? I mean getting really down to it to see a human exactly as they are? Prob not what most people even think human is — on the surface we’re all just running around acting like …

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What would you desire to expand in life right now? Because the universe makes it happen, and here is the secret how you do it… Universal expansion decoded — virtual pairs of positive and negative particles exert forces on each other as they go in and out of existence (aka zero point energy). The resulting …

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It’s crazy to think how fast we’re moving through space as our solar system rotates and swings around in the Milky Way, taking us on a voyage into never-encountered space each and every brand new moment. It’s even crazier to realize how fast we travel through infinite parallel universes — infinite possibilities — all within …

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You don’t have to have it all figured out. After all, you are the evolution of primordial quarks and gluons that make matter, atoms forged by generations of stars and spread throughout the early universe, and precursor molecules to life that form everywhere there’s water. This all happened so one spinning rock can come alive …

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When people ask, why the fascination with the universe? Maybe it’s realizing a spiritual experience, as Neil DeGrasse Tyson put it, in the knowing that generations of stars before us lived and died to forge the atoms we’re made of and spread them throughout the known universe. Because then the realization is that the stars …

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If you are one of many who want to “escape the matrix” here’s a brief guide of beyond the surface consciousness. Time isn’t linear. All time exists all the time and can be perceived through any number of dimensions, not just 1. The physical world is a continuum. As above, so below. Every grain of …

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It wasn’t part of the backup data for the Omniverse model when I was writing my book — it just came to me intuitively. I described a way to perceive higher dimensions like stacking layers of maps. Then it hit me. I am not where I think I am. None of us are. The higher …

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You might think that if the human mind operates like simple computer code then it could be programmable. And that would lead to the question, is there a secret door to enter into your hidden code? It is the breath. Changing your breath patterns changes your state… and your resources available given what states you …

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There is a place within the mind where everybody goes but few know. It is stillness. Simply that. You might have heard people saying to silence the mind… This pushes away your thoughts that are coming up from the subconscious mind for processing. The subconscious mind knows when you are ready, and that’s why they …

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What if you could fall in love with yourself so much so that you become manifested as every single aspect of the divine through every living thing and every being across all of the universes simply to witness yourself through infinite ways? Many will tell you what the divine mind is. Many will tell you …

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Science says this new optical illusion is seen by 80% of humans. I didn’t see it until I read that those people can see the center expand when it is focused on. But science also says that nobody knows why the brain makes the image expand. The answer is right there in front of us… …

Daily Download

The universe exists because it loves itself to pieces. That’s how the Big Bang happened. And now the universe loves itself through all of its seemingly separate pieces. That’s why things attract. That’s why there’s one underlying force beneath everything we know — attraction. That’s why when humans feel attraction we call it love. Because …

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Why’s it matter that we can see the beginnings of the observable universe with high tech like the James Webb Space Telescope? Because what’s more beautiful than seeing yourself in this reflection? What’s more spiritual than knowing that all of it — yes, everything — is within each and every bit of your presence? The …

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Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you can’t fly. Because you’re flying through uncharted space right now on a living space rock powered by a nuclear fission reactor and gravitational warp drive. You’re making a 4D fractal spiral path through the universes with multiple core energies working for you. Electromagnetic. Nuclear. Gravitational. The great …

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We are living biological time crystals. So it just goes to say that we’re multidimensional. And there’s even more dimensions… Karma is a dimension and like time, it’s unidirectional. You can’t go back. Unless it’s to clear a karmic pattern. The patterns can be explained one dimensionally by saying it’s cause and effect. But there …

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Have you ever used your eyes to see what happens inside the brain? How many ways do you think you can sense your own inner workings? And are we really ourselves, or is self image and identity just something made up in the brain? Do this with me. Point to yourself. Hold your hand out …

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As it turns out, life is a consequence of physics. The building blocks are everywhere in space in cosmic dust, asteroids, comets, and planetary discs. Life follows the basic principle of the universes to always grow toward increasing entropy. Consciousness is one and the same. Except not tied completely to the physical. It’s like your …

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Universal Irony Division: People argue over what they believe in the universes to be real or not. When in reality, nothing is real. 💣Not your laws of physics. 💣Not your physical structure. 💣Not even time. Even if you read that with pauses. Everything you describe is what you perceive. Is perception what’s real then? Because …