Daily Download

When people say the past always comes back, or history repeats itself, don’t listen. That’s their journey–not yours. The past doesn’t come back. That’s only someone’s unfinished karma–a forward-moving transformation and unfolding of events (like time). Once started, karma will move forward. It keeps going until one gets their higher lessons from events transpiring in …

Daily Download

We like the saying, “love wins,” don’t we? It conveys a positive message with it, that love is stronger than all else. But there’s a shadow lurking in this positive message… If love wins then is not a competition implied? Isn’t a struggle implied? What must be overcome for love to win? Here’s the thing. …

Daily Download

Once thought to drive our behaviors, the conscious mind is now known to control only about 5% of your living experience. What about the rest? The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your thoughts, words, and actions. Your beliefs and behaviors. Your values and meta-programming. When humans mapped their DNA, something very similar happened… …

Daily Download

The universe isn’t as special as we make it out to be… It’s more. So much more! You see, the universe has this one little formula, from when it is first turned on to when it is fully expressed throughout every bit of your presence, that creates magic, transmuting energy into the physical world we …

Daily Download

What you see comes from your mind, not to your mind. Before your perceptory senses pick up anything, your internal subconscious belief structure sends out your perceptory parameters. You tell the universe, ‘this is how I see,’ and then the senses pick up the data that fits your frame of reference. Your senses filter raw …

Daily Download

Every single pixel of reality is but a fragment of the universe with the entire Big Bang imprinted upon it. Each piece of the puzzle is made to think that it’s separate when it’s actually not. Nothing is separate. And that means that every fragment is whole and complete. That’s why every pixel of this …

You Can Have It All

True story: Once upon a time, there was a young Scottish Lady who was destined to be the Princess. And she was in love. With an American ‘commoner.’ The Royal Family of Scotland was not approving of her marrying this man, however. And so she was given a choice. If she married him, she would …

Daily Download

You are a gift to this world. You are completely unique, and never will there be another just like you. And some may say people like you are rare because of your genuine heartfelt qualities. They may say to never let someone go because it’s so rare finding one like you. I say that’s what …

What They Didn’t Tell You About The Languages of Love

Energy transmutes from one form to another. And ever since the beginning of time, every single particle was born of one underlying energy under the illusion of separation for one purpose: Everything attracts exactly what it needs to grow. Yes, one way or another, everything attracts its partner. Subatomic particles are assembled and attract others …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When being free is regarded as an act of rebellion, it’s time to question the values of those who are trying to control you. It’s time to see how systemically, these values are inundated upon society through news, social media, governments, churches, corporations, etc., essentially programming people to be accepting of the …

Daily Download

If there’s one thing I could wish upon every single beautiful soul in this world, it is happiness. Simply that. Happiness is an inside job. We’re all born into this world as happy babies, and as we grow throughout life, we find ways to block it. We find “reasons” to experience lower vibrations. You install …

Daily Download

Ever wonder why I post scientific articles alongside my emotional journey and all the downloads? Here’s the answer… The science of understanding the universe is there same as the science if understanding the mind. Both the universe and the mind are expressions of love. Divine love. Universal love. Self love. These coexist as aspects of …

Daily Download

In science, nonlocality is the term used to describe quantum entanglement, also known as “spooky-action-at-a-distance.” As described by Einstein, it’s like an invisible thread that connects two objects, regardless of distance between them. This connection allows two seemingly separate particles to share the same properties. They are able to communicate information between them instantaneously, at …

Daily Download

Being an empath is an extraordinary gift! When it’s controlled… It allows us to tap into another’s emotions, a window into their map of reality. The problem with many is when it’s not yet under control. Imagine walking into a room and feeling everything! That’s pretty much exactly what it is. A lot of people …

Daily Download

Love where you are. Love what you do. Do what you love. Be where you love. Right here and now. Love yourself and you are always loved. As it should be. Give yourself what it is that your soul desires. Give yourself the passion you desire. Love yourself first. You are now ready to call …

Daily Download

If it is to be awakened that your soul desires in this moment, then you’ll have to set your alarms. It’s just that on the soul level, alarms aren’t events in time. Your alarms are events deep down in the sub subconscious meta-programming. You’re programmed with values and virtues at your core. When something triggers …

Daily Download

Sex is the heart of creation. It’s sacred. A merging of energies present in the very DNA that combine together. Notice how you can go back in the subconscious mind to when your DNA first combined. It wasn’t just a race to the finish, like people used to describe. No, you were the sperm chosen …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: If you say you didn’t have a choice, then you chose not to have a choice. Taking responsibility for yourself means that you acknowledge your choice in any given situation. And then you realize, you make the absolute best choice for yourself at the time, based on the resources you have at …

Daily Download

Even though we’ve been here before and we might just be in an infinite time loop, this eternity presents us gifts. You get the opportunity, not to do things over, but to improve upon yourself again and again. To achieve better results. To gain new insights. You’re not stuck. Ever. Every single brand new moment …

Daily Download

“God” is not separate from self. The infinite is not separate from any given point. Eternity is never separated from the now.Everything exists in every single bit of information anywhere in the universe. This is the true nature of the holographic universe.Everything is a projection of the whole. As more and more seemingly separate observers …