Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You don’t have to find what’s already present. You just realize it. Every single thing that’s ever been discovered was already there before someone found it. A finding is just an awakening. A stirring of the soul with new information that you just opened up to. Keep opening baby! It is the …

Daily Download

This might be my most powerful download ever. How to live without limits: Love without expectation, and receive without obligation. Loving without expectation means that you remove the blinders that were placed in the past to prevent you from seeing beyond what you expected. There’s a whole universe of infinite possibilities just waiting to be …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You can’t scare the right person away by being open. You can’t scare them away by being honest. You can’t scare someone away by being your authentic self. If they run away, then they weren’t meant for you. So by being honest, open, and authentic, you automatically sort through those who aren’t …

Daily Download

It’s ok. Because you know. I know that you know. And that you have known for a very long time. Maybe, just maybe, what you experienced was because you were pretending not to know. And even if you don’t know that you don’t know, it’s ok. It’s just pretend. And now you’re remembering why… =D

Daily Download

People often inquire, what is the soul? Is it who you are, an extension of self? Is it your connection to all that is? Quan Yen explains… Think of a circle. Picture just one circle in your minds eye. What is outside of the circle? Nothing. And what is inside the circle? Also nothing. So …

Daily Download

Wanna know why the universe loves to match your vibration whatever frequency you emanate? It’s because your soul is the rhythm that the universe makes music to. And life, dear ones, is the dance. The most beautiful expression of dance. The dance to the concert of your soul’s rhythm and the universe’s beautiful music. And …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: You are the love that you’re made of. Love is the raw attraction present everywhere in the universe. It’s the forces that pull things together to make energy from vibrations and matter from energy. It’s the life-force that continually builds and evolves exactly what’s perfect for life to begin. And thrive. All of …

Daily Download

Awareness stops the cycle of repeating events. It transcends karma! That’s because there’s energy you give to situations that are stuck on replay in your mind. There’s energy going into the emotions you feel as they continue in your thoughts and feelings. Awareness redirects that energy toward processing the old emotions for good. Simply becoming …

Daily Download

It’s ok. We’ve been here before. And I know how it ends. Just remember that anytime you think you’re stuck… Ask yourself, what would you do differently, already knowing what happened? That is your choice and that is reality. Because even though we know how it ends, YOU are the one who gives life meaning. …

Daily Download

Sometimes you gotta answer to a higher calling. To do so, you will step up. Level up. Man up. This isn’t just about a man’s place to protect women. No, that frame of mind comes from an old system of values that propagates old double standards set for men and women. Men teach their sons …

Daily Download

I’m not buying all this stuff people are saying about your chakras being blocked. No, your chakras are going to send energy exactly where it’s best for you at the time. They’re just energy centers–hubs for moving data. Some of the best damn ones available in the universe! Ain’t nothing wrong with em, only your …

Daily Download

Your thoughts are powerful enough to create your reality in alignment with your values, beliefs, and desires. Blunt Force Truth: Your mind is also powerful enough to destroy your reality. We see this happening in the world around us by those who show us exactly how to when they are not aligned. They pollute and …

Daily Download

What if I told you that the conscious mind, aka analytical mind/ego, and the subconscious programming that drive 95% of your values, beliefs, and behaviors are the same mind? They just act differently. One holds your identity and the illusion that you actually control things. The other holds all of your programming that controls you. …

Daily Download

1000th Daily Download!!! Blunt Force Truth: Humans are real. Borders are made-up. If you value something made up over something that’s real, then you’re not living up to the full potential of being human yet, are you? Because being human means that we love each other regardless of sex, skin, religion, or political views. Being …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Those who fear your power will present lies to try to diminish your power. They will present challenges in an attempt to curtail your power. They will bring lessons for you to test your power. And all of this is for you to know your power. Simply that. Know that your power …

Letting Go of Letting Go

I went to a dark place. It was like falling into the same hole, but different this time. I didn’t need any help getting out. Sometimes there’s someone there for you that’s been through something similar, to help. Sometimes there’s someone to pull you up. I didn’t ask for that. I didn’t need that. Instead, …

Daily Download

We humans tend to think of things like attraction and karma as a direct cause and effect. Well, in actuality it’s not that simple. That’s only our perception. Instead of cause and effect, think of it more like a ripple effect. Everything you think, say, and do creates waves energetically that will be reflected back …

Daily Download

Stop thinking that people do things to you. Start witnessing that people reflect things to you. That’s how you find out what’s going on inside of you. And no, you’re not attracting shit happening to you. You’re attracting the chance to see what lessons are in store for you. And that creates a shift. Because …

Daily Download

Breathe. It’s free! And it’s life-giving. It’s rejuvenating. For the mind and the body. For the soul. It’s just all around good shit! And so what if you could enjoy the breath so much more fully that you can BE the breath? Then you get to breathe life into everything that you do. Every creation. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What you say will mean nothing if you don’t believe it yourself. Anybody can talk about positivity, healing, and love. But you gotta feel that shit all the way down in your bones! That’s authenticity. It’s not just saying it. It’s doing it–with conviction. It’s embodying every single thing you experience, good …