Daily Download

There’s no need to be so serious, pretending this is all real. Just play with your universe! The universe is your playground. Everything you need is within this universe. And this universe is within you. Paradoxical, isn’t it? When you play with it, you open up the powers of your imagination, which are the same …

Daily Download

Stop thinking ‘the universe’ is something separate from yourself. People say the universe makes stuff happen — but really it’s just a reflection of what’s present within you… Life Consciousness Expansion In the big flash of the early universe, it started with the intention, be light, and the universe responded, light be. Because that was …

Daily Download

What’s your universe like? Everybody’s reflection of reality is unique. Because you’re imagining your universe… Just as you can imagine your reality the way you perceive it, we all imagine the structure of reality together. It’s just that how you see the features around you is unique to you because your subconscious mind stores your …

Daily Download

Relax… Nothing’s in control. Even everything you think is real isn’t really real. We’re all just biological entities. Just BE. And we’ve all been programmed as such. Your DNA is encoded with your evolutionary history. The scientific equivalent of karma — your evolutionary timeline. Your genealogy is expressed in the methylation of your DNA. Your …

Daily Download

Identity is a funny thing… who are we really? Who are you at the core essence of your being? Are you brain-centered? Is the nervous system the key to the human identity? Or is it simply a means to transmit information from our environment to our senses? Could it be a conduit to allow consciousness …

Daily Download

Blunt force truth: There’s no such thing as prehistory. Only the part of history we forgot. And much like our own individual journey through time and space, we’re all just remembering who we are. History never told the full story. It only started where our collective memories left off. And here’s why — one of …

Daily Download

You are the wiser version of self your younger self called upon for guidance. You made it through what you made it through because you were there to get yourself through. And at the same time, you are the younger self ready to receive the lessons from your higher self in the here and now. …

Daily Download

According to the universe, you are anything BUT insignificant. Simply put, you are everything. That’s because the universe is within you, in its entirety. Talk about being whole and complete, right? The universe is a singularity — a single entity — that’s expressed holographically. That means every pixel contains an image of the whole. 💫Every …

Daily Download

There’s a science behind every “sixth sense.” Ever notice how so many people call themselves empaths? No, they’re not crazy, even if some people say so (those individuals just might not understand — yet). Modern neurology shows us the functions of a little miracle we call mirror neurons. It’s an evolutionary advantage that assists learning. …

Daily Download

What happens when our thoughts influence our reality? The subconscious mind tunes itself to find more of what matches the internal representation of your thoughts. The brain is hardwired to do that. It’s called your reticular activating system. Whatever you focus on, your subconscious mind will find more of in your surroundings for you to …

Daily Download

Somebody told me once that there are no straight lines in space. Everything moves in circular paths. And that means… All paths lead back home. No matter what direction you go on Earth, you’ll come back around. Every atom in your body comes from space dust and will eventually recycle back to space dust. The …

Daily Download

Once you become aware of your past patterns, they now transform. You simply cannot fall back into an old pattern with awareness — unless that is what you allow. Your past patterns do not define you. Rather, they were there to guide you to this state of awareness. And with awareness, old patterns transform into …

Daily Download

Most people have science backwards. They think there’s a scientific explanation for just about everything. But good science explains nothing at all. Because once you strip away the “answers,” you find that what is known is what has been filtered through one’s perception, and the meaning only comes from within. Then you get to the …

Daily Download

Don’t believe everything you hear or see. It’s a trick. It’s also how we learn. The subconscious mind takes in information from all around you and codes it into your hidden programming. Whatever it is that comes up for you in the moment, it’s a chance to observe. Any given topic gives you a chance …

Daily Download

You might think a lot of people need to “wake up.” Yet everyone is on their own path of awakening, which happens at the moment that’s perfect for their growth. Here’s the thing. No one needs to wake up, simply because every individual is already on that path. No one needs to be saved. We’re …

Daily Download

The universe expands, and that’s a simple way to describe it. Just as our own consciousness expands as we grow. But the universe doesn’t expand exactly the way we understand. There’s two different rates of expansion, and both are correct. But they’re very different, and that lends us to question how we understand our surroundings. …

Daily Download

When you look out into the universe, it’s not just stars you see. There’s entire galaxies, clusters, and even invisible dark matter. It’s all connected. One cosmic web. And depending on how you look at it, there can be either order or disorder. The map of the cosmic web shows that on smaller scales it’s …

Daily Download

Reminder: You are here On the end of a spectrum. Or within. On the beginning of your journey. Or nearing the end. In a place surrounded by loved ones. Or all alone. In the center of the observable universes… And all encompassing with every bit of this presence within you. Subject to the forces of …

Daily Download

The universe reflects back to you based on your energy in any given moment. Like a mirror image. What if I told you that in the same way a mirror reflects back an image of 3-dimensional space that it’s also possible to reflect back in dimension(s) of time? Because space can be perfectly still while …

Daily Download

Seems sometimes like there’s a conspiracy for just about everything these days. So much so that people try to explain why people subscribe to them. Here’s a little secret prime directive of the subconscious mind: everything (yes, everything) has a highest intent. Those who think differently may seek acceptance from like-minded individuals. Those who shame …