Daily Download

Sometimes you just gotta say fuck em, no matter how loving and compassionate you are. Not everyone is gonna get your vibe. Maybe you need to cut ties and move on to the next version of you. Let your haters say what they gotta say, because it doesn’t involve you. And so with compassion, say …

Daily Download

Don’t just surrender to a power greater than yourself. Simply realize that all of that power is within and surrender to that. Surrender to YOUR highest power, one that is fully actualized and fucking unstoppable. Dive right in! Splash down into the infinite ocean of oneness and connectedness, all within your consciousness! Surrender within. And …

What’s My ‘WHY?’

I used to tell myself that if I’m ever lost in the mind, I can find what’s “real” by going back to where the pain was. Pain was my way of describing reality. This belief was attracting pain. And I found myself desiring hurt… Later I found out why and was finally able to see …

Daily Download

A lot of people talk about how the spiritual path–the journey to self–is a lonely one. That’s only because it has been for them. And here’s the thing: Even if it has been lonely, it doesn’t have to be. Don’t let someone else’s perception be installed as your beliefs that you filter your own reality …

Daily Download

Why do people envision a heaven protected by gates? The very concept of locking oneself out of something that is within is actually detrimental to the self. You’re installing a belief of not good enough if you think you have to be locked out until you prove your righteousness. That’s kinda fucked up! What if …

Daily Download

Compassion is my religion. I just don’t have the energy to hate, fear, or control. It never ever served me. That’s why I made my own path. And what I discovered is absolutely incredible… I discovered myself! Compassion allows me to see through the bullshit–the lies, the hate, and the struggle for control. With compassion, …

Daily Download

Be amazed by what’s possible. Simply because every possibility of life and love exists in the now. Anything’s possible! The reality you call forth just pulls you in the direction of your dreams when you’re aligned! The best future for you literally pulls you toward it. It’s your vibe that attracts you to the best …

Daily Download

I didn’t change. The world around me did. As I embarked upon my journey inward, I changed my programming. I changed the values and beliefs that attracted the results I’d gotten in the past. And through it all, my core remained the same. Because that is love. Raw, unadulterated attractive energy. With limiting beliefs out …

Daily Download

God doesn’t have a plan for you, because that plan IS you. The ocean does not plan to make waves. It just does. Life does not plan to be created in this universe out of chaos. It just does. It is you that creates your own plan, based on your own internal beliefs, values, and …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: One should never perceive one person’s proclamation of ‘I AM’ to be ‘you are not’ to another. Rather than being mutually exclusive, some things are universally true to us all. And there are many ways to your truth. Your job is to find your truth in the best way that only you …

Daily Download

Everything I say is perception. Everything I see is perception. Every input and output of information and energy is filtered by me. Every bit of reality is pieced together in such a way to align with my perception. That means I will be biased sometimes. I will not be able to see, hear, or understand …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Parallel universes are the multiple possibilities of one reality. All are tied together. All are one. Think about how any decision or choice you make, any turn on your path, can lead to different outcomes. Each is a possibility, and the one you go towards is the version of reality best aligned with …

Daily Download

With all of the recent events of waging wars over women’s bodies, there could be an even bigger problem that’s trapping you into a certain way of thinking. Headlines keep saying these laws are being enacted by white men. And yes, it’s 2019 and it’s cool to hate white people given the recent history of …

Daily Download

In the end, we were only limited by our beliefs of ourselves. Our outcomes were only limited by our decisions, coming from a place of self-imposed limitation based on what we believed ourselves to be capable of. In the end, it all became clear how it was only us that held ourselves back in any …

Daily Download

Thank you for getting through everything you got through. Thank you for handling it! Thank you for getting up today and not giving up any day. Thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for being here. Thank you for being emotional. Thank you for being authentic. Thank you for being you. Thank …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: Some people have said to me that the purpose of spirituality or religion is to give others a false sense of security based on fear of death–the concept of eternity has nothing to do with fear though. It’s not about escapism from reality. It’s about creating your reality. It’s about creating the …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: The center of the universe isn’t actually in the observable universe. The reason is simple. It’s because the universe is projected from source. What we observe is from within the projection. But there’s still a connection to this source. A connection to the center. Inside the universe, everything’s connected and observable as …

Daily Download

Spirituality is rooted in love and compassion. Yet there are ways with which it can go off track. If any vibration you are receiving–any message–is fear-based, incites anger, or tries to manipulate people into joining a specific ideology or conspiracy, the message isn’t being conveyed right. It’s ok. People get confused. We get emotional. We …

Daily Download

If you’ve heard of the concept of Maya, you know that this universe is an illusion. Specifically, it is a multidimensional holographic projection from the point at which the Big Bang starts. A point that spreads on a surface outside of the known universe. The surface is the event horizon of a white hole that …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You are a product of your programming. Until you learn to take control. But it’s not really as simple as that sounds. It’s not just a decision you make. You gotta first dig deep and find all the programming that you made your own. And yes, you gotta acknowledge that at some …