Daily Download

With quantum engagement, two or more objects, regardless of distance in space, instantaneously affect each other. It’s instant connection. It’s faster than the speed of light. Information can even be transported across space faster than light. It’s the speed of information. Instant. Zero point time. It gets even better… Entanglement works across time. Because really, …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: You don’t move around in the universe. You simply move your focal point within the universe within you! Everything you think becomes reality in one form or another. You conceive it and your mind conceptualizes it! When you are absolutely ready for it, you manifest it. Even when you’re not ready, you’re …

Daily Download

Pray if you want to. Recite mantras or sutras if that’s what you’re called to do. Meditate if that’s your vibe. Whatever it is that’s your calling, follow it. Just don’t be an asshole. Everyone’s path is just as perfect for them as it is unique to them. And they all lead to the same …

Daily Download

Love isn’t complicated. But we sometimes get in our own way, making it seem that way. What’s complicated is the framework of limiting beliefs, fears, or traumas that affect how we love. We’re all programmed throughout life with everyone else’s meaning of love. But we each give it meaning to ourselves. Listen to that inner …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You don’t always have to be a people pleaser. People that like you are gonna like you anyway for saying no. And respect you even more. So you don’t have to explain yourself. Your people will accept you as you are. If they don’t, maybe they’re not your people. Or maybe it’s …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: For every negative stimulus there’s a positive response. It’s just how the brain wires itself up. The brain automatically balances itself. But the surface mind might get stuck on the negative part. What’s going on in the subconscious is that it wants to process it–for good. So it associates it with a positive …

Daily Download

Three words to myself that mean everything: Don’t. Hold. Back. Your feelings are valid, so be free to feel what you feel. That’s how you know it’s real. When something comes up for you, all it what gifts it is bringing. What’s the higher lesson? How does it serve you? And what’s the highest intent …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Sex is not power. Money is not power. Control is not power. Because when people try to use those things for power, they’re trying to exert power OVER someone. Love is true power. Because you don’t ever love over someone. You share this ultimate power WITH someone. As it should be. And …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: The reason many people have problems with money is because they hate money. You can have all kinds of limiting beliefs about money and how you use it, if that’s what you really want. And most people’s limiting beliefs of money come from their social programming. From their environment. From their circle …

Daily Download

Universal Irony Division: In order to be fully whole and complete, you’re going to have to make friends with your dark side. We don’t mean just the shadow self though. We mean what’s hidden deep within. How’s that being reflected right now in your self talk? And how is it reflected back to you by …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Being “awake” is not a badge of honor you wear. It does not elevate you over anyone else or make you superior in any way. It is not something only for those who want or seek to be awake. In fact, that very desire can be what’s pushing it away right now, …

Daily Download

Welcome to fifth-dimensional living. We’ve been waiting for you. And we’re glad you are now ready to cast away the judgments you’ve had in the past. To let go of righteousness and the need for validation. To release any and all paranoia of conspiracies or the expectation that things happen to you. Here things are …

Daily Download

There is a core within us all–one that is pure stillness. Beauty. And peace. Enlightenment is that core. It’s like the eye of the storm. Enlightenment is available to you because it is part of you. But what them am I? If I bring this to the living then am I not more? After all, …

Daily Download

A baby begins to see life once its eyes are open. Until then, s/he sees nothing of the journey of birth. S/he’s not completely unaware, s/he just doesn’t yet have a picture of reality (as we’ve come to know it). The universe is the same. We know very little of its journey before birth. We …

5 Secrets of the Omniverse That Will Change Your Life For Good!

There’s a whole lot more going on outside of your universe. And that has the power to affect what happens in your universe! The first thing to know is that each of us makes our own universe by creating space for our subconscious desires, beliefs, and values to attract and filter from infinite possibilities, allowing …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: When a person shares their truth with you, there is very little chance that their story changes. What does change however, is your understanding of their truth and the story you create for you two based on how your subconscious mind maps your reality. You filter their truth to create the story …

Daily Download

I love my darkness. People (like me) talk a lot about the importance of self-love. What good is it of you can’t embrace your dark side? Then you’re only perpetuating the polarity of your own psyche. Transcend duality, and you’ll see that all of you–even the parts locked away–is as one. Especially the parts locked …

Daily Download

The entire universe, life, and evolution explained in six words: You are the universe loving herself. This love is what brings things together from the illusion of separation to create forces, matter, and life. This love is the constant flow of natural divine energy that makes a matrix of unlimited possibilities into a conscious computer …

Daily Download

Reality. It’s as real as you want it to be. We use beliefs to either create or limit reality. But limiting doesn’t actually limit reality itself, it limits your perception of your environment. It filters reality based on what you believe. So instead of getting infinite possibilities, you just narrow down the possibilities to fit …

Daily Download

You create your life. Your beliefs shape your reality. What then, if one’s beliefs are not true? If one believes in something that turns out not to be true? Then that part of their reality may come crashing down. A scientific framework allows for new data to overwrite something that is no longer true. It …