Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Every person or being that you see in a sleep cycle is in the process of waking up. So you see, there’s no truth in calling them asleep. Because you’ve always awakened from sleep. Or you wouldn’t be here right now reading this. Don’t judge those who sleep, for they will be awakened …

Daily Download

It’s called forgiving because forgiveness is for giving. Just like how the universe is for you, not against you. Forgiving is for giving. Give it like you’re letting it all go. Because you are. You’re letting go of attachments to past events and people. You’re letting go of expectations of living up to what you …

We Are the Aliens

The other night in the sky above my head there were waves in the clouds as the rain approached, like under the surface of the ocean’s waves. Gentle oscillations in the patterns of the layers we live within. Life as we know it is still reliant on the media that surrounds us, whether it be …

Daily Download

When you transcend your own identity and the very concept of self, you become life itself. You see beyond the faces we give ourselves. You see past the physical face that’s just an interface for your own programming. It’s as much an unbecoming as it is becoming. Because when you remove the face, you see …

Daily Download

Universal knowledge is ripe for the picking. You can eat the fruit from the Tree of Life. You won’t be punished–you’ll be rewarded! For the fruit is not temptation, it is knowledge ready to be downloaded. The snake is your own Kundalini, your spirit energy. Your life force. The tree is that of knowledge. It …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: People reach out for help in only the way they best know how. Not the way you might want or even expect. Everyone codes the meaning of everything differently, according to their story, their perceptions, and their social programming. Be open and aware to how someone communicates. Their language might be different from …

Daily Download

Don’t just accept things as they are–accept things as they come. The forces of the universe that conspire to create life are going to give to you based on your inner beliefs, values, and desires that you’re emanating. Once you are able to see this, the question then becomes, are you open to receiving? Here’s …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: Everything falls into place. It’s like everything in this universe has some kind of gravity attracting it to exactly where it needs to be. Even the Higgs boson falls from a high energy state to a resting state when it interacts with particles, giving them mass. Falling into place means that you don’t …

Daily Download

The universe has voices for those who listen. She speaks in different ways than you might expect though. She speaks the language of love. This divine love permeates the entire universe in the ultimate expression of self-love and dresses itself in the flavors and colors of infinite possibilities. When she speaks to you, she presents …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Some people don’t let others get past their past. If you hold people to their past, what then is behind this within you that you’re not letting yourself get past? This is the key: Forgiveness, not only for others, but for yourself. The only way someone would hold another person to their …

Daily Download

Are we alone in the universe? We have detected Earth-like planets, but have yet to confirm extraterrestrial life. Yet, the ingredients are everywhere. Comets have water and the building blocks of life. We’ve discovered water on planets, planetoids, and moons in our own solar system. Even oceans worth of water from our Earth’s mantle. And …

Daily Download

If you’re meeting the same people in different bodies, the universe is telling you something. If you’re running into the same lessons with different people, then it’s you that needs to change, not the world around you. And when you do change, so will the world around you. All these interactions are just messages from …

Daily Download

What is it that you are getting ready for? Are you ready for the next version of you to handle what you’re going though? Are you ready to love yourself even more than ever before? Are you ready to work on yourself to take down walls, block-by-block, allowing your light to shine through? Are you …

I Know Who You Really Are

Something to think about… If information learned how to alter its energy to transform space and time… Trusting that everything is perfect in such a way that it attracts exactly what it needs to build stars from clouds of gas… And generations of the stars’ lives fuse atoms to create biological life, becoming self sustaining …

Daily Download

Sometimes to be free, you wanna be free of something. Be free of attachments to something. Be free of emotional strings. Be free of any power something or someone might have held over you in the past. Notice how the subconscious codes ‘free’ differently than pushing away from something. From cutting out of your life. …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: A heart filled with hate is easy to coerce. A heart filled with fear is easy to lead astray. A heart filled with rage loses control of oneself. And we all get these from time to time. It comes with your social programming. You pick it up growing up. We all do. …

Daily Download

Omniversal Law: The mysteries of time and space have all conspired together to create the conditions for you to be exactly where you are in your growth and evolution right now. And whatever that is for you is perfect for you! In this universe and all of her parallels, all of the energy of all …

The Spirit of Science

We are the universe discovering herself. And there’s a definite science to explain that. You see, the spirit of science is to ask questions. To explore. To discover. Whenever someone tries to shut down a hypothesis, discredit someone, or non-constructively criticize work, they’re usually operating from their own limiting beliefs, not a scientific framework. In …

Daily Download

Stop telling yourself other people’s limitations and believing them. They don’t belong to you. Rather, you belong to this universe, something that is completely unlimited. So why limit yourself? How does it serve your growth? Ask yourself these questions, because you will find a positive intent. Keep asking to get the highest intent. Then ask …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Ancients knew how to wage war, and they documented their methods well. One thing they all agreed upon was this: Know your enemy. But how many in this modern world hold hatred in their hearts, knowing not a single thing about their “enemy?” We are taught to hate for differences of nationality, …