Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: You can’t spell challenge without change. So if you want to challenge yourself or your existing paradigm, you gotta be ready for change. You gotta push yourself to be the best version of yourself. To be the highest expression of self. That’s why every challenge now becomes so damn rewarding. Because you’re …

Invoking the Dream Awake

Ever wonder what it’s like to be able to choose any emotional state for any given situation? And what if you also had control over your physical world? Would you make yourself the healthiest you’ve ever been? Would you boost your immune system so much so that you don’t get sick, even in the presence …

Daily Download

Just gonna put this right here right now… Be prepared for results to show up in unexpected ways. When you do the work to clear blocks and flow around obstructions, you’re recontextualizing your entire reality. Your letting go of karma. You’re shedding old energy that no longer serves you. And you’re changing how and what …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Your light don’t shine through your walls. So if you put up walls for protection, you’re really just closing yourself in. And being the light as you are, how will that benefit anyone when you can’t shine through your own walls? What if there was a way of taking walls down so …

Daily Download

Your glam attracts your fam. So keep on shining! Spread love everywhere like it’s glitter. Let your angels and ascended masters be your bling. Let your true essence be your dress. Show it all like your naked soul. If anyone talks about you, let them, they can love you or not. You’re still making an …

Daily Download

Doing work on oneself may lead to the release of any and all expectations. You become open to receiving lessons in any situation. Life shows up for you! In weird ways sometimes… Be ready to see your results showing up in unexpected ways. Because the expectations you may have experienced in the past might have …

Daily Download

Find yourself. Or fuck yourself. Because you’re here on purpose. You have a plan and intention. You are going to get to the core of yourself in one life or another. Being stagnant can only prolong that which you have already set in motion. And maybe, just maybe, that’s why you’ve encountered difficulty from time …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: If you’re engaged in defaming a woman for her sexuality, you are not only justifying her rapist, you are empowering countless others to abuse women and disempowering women who might need to come forward about their own abuse. That’s rape culture. Bringing up someone’s past this way takes away from the actual …

Daily Download

Beliefs are upgradable. As your life changes, you are free to customize you beliefs based upon your life experiences. Some choose to place burdens on themselves from lower vibrations like drama, judgment, or even hatred. Others choose to strip away these layers that no longer serve them, even when it seems to go against the …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: What matters to you might be different from what matters to someone else, yet it still matters. And that will never mean that one person’s perception matters more than another’s. It will never mean that one person’s viewpoint opposes another’s. Because when you strip away the limiting belief of duality, you see …

Daily Download

Always believe there’s a way. Because there is. Even if it’s not your way. Maybe your way is just your comfort zone. Imagine how many ways there are out of that comfort zone! Then you’ll start seeing possibilities where in the past, you saw blocks. You’ll see light where you used to see walls. You’ll …

Daily Download

You know why they call it pause? Because every time you pause, it’s a chance to reflect upon something positive. Think about that for a moment… Any time anything is happening, you can pause, even if just for a brief moment, and instantly see something positive. How awesome is that? If you ever find yourself …

Daily Download

The world is nice… The world is mean… The world will be whatever you want it to be. Consider your underlying beliefs and values. What have you attracted in the past up until now, and how has this shaped your perception of your surroundings? How has that then shaped your beliefs of others and attracted …

Daily Download

Working on releasing your past shouldn’t hold you to your past. Simply allow yourself to view it just one last time so you can get the lesson and be present. Building a better future for yourself is also good, when it doesn’t take you away from the present moment. Goals, vision boards, and manifesting are …

Daily Download

Don’t judge people for where they are in their path. Everyone finds enlightenment in their own way and in their own timescale. Some learn through hardships. Some through mentors or gurus. Although they still have their own hardships on their path too. There is no one right way. There is only the way that’s right …

Daily Download

Is it cheating to love another when you wholly and completely love yourself? Is it truly monogamous to be with a lover, knowing that your relationship with self comes first? 3rd dimensional labels might not necessarily apply anymore. Because loving yourself adds new dimensions of possibilities that you bring to enrich the light and life …

Daily Download

Blunt Force Truth: Brainwashing loves company. Those that have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the mass media, religion, government, sports, corporations, etc. seem to want everyone else to be brainwashed into taking their side. It’s 1-dimensional thinking to only see polar opposites of only a single facet of what’s actually going on. Hell, at …

Daily Download

If there’s something you don’t like, then why keep putting energy into it? It seems as if everybody thinks they must be outraged about something these days, no matter what ‘side’ of the issue they’re on. What if instead, you look inward? Question why something triggers you. It is a chance for healing because it’s …

Daily Download

Your worth doesn’t come from what someone else thinks of you. And their worth has nothing to do with what you think of them. It comes from within. Your worth increases from within when you treat others better. Your value is what you give. Your success comes from how you treat others. Your money that …

Daily Download

Intelligence is sexy, yes. And emotional intelligence is sexy af. Working on yourself is hot! Not because you’re not perfect. Not because you are changing yourself, or even feel the need to do so. And not because you’re constantly striving to learn more about yourself. Working on yourself is hot because it’s an act of …